Sjoe budy!!* klink my da is 'n ppaar ouens wat jo so biki smaak heh?* hahaha *lol* is reg,dis moer leka om single te wees! Se hulle!* bly so positiewe en awsome persoonQ neh!* εκ gan jo bja mis wane εκ weggan,love u bud!*
Hehehe hay bud, yeah lyk m soa ma ekka nu n spisiale ouQii wat ekka in belangstel && nz gan dalk weg ni defnintief ni.. Ma jah .. Lovies u2!!* xx
How long did your last call last?
30 min
Hey chella'Q ek weet ek moet jo itz vra of di maar ek wil nt kom se hallo en se jys rrg awsm en kani wag viri skool om weer te bgn ni ons gan k@k an jaag hehe
Hehe hay hay.. Jah dt soa waar wat j da se.. Di jaar hoop di skwl nz kmi me terug volgende jaar ni lol.. PING m op bbm dan weet ek wi j is.. :p lol xx
Why the hell do u want to be single !!!
Hey jou *exy kind wat se jy??*
Hi nx veli..*
As jy its kon doen saam wie en wat
Nx && saam niemand!!*
Hay michelle d*Ì©s Dyllan haha hoe gan dt*? :) dyllancloete
Howzit.. :p gaan altyd gud danQii nd??*
Why r u single ? If I may know.
Bec I want to be single ;)
Wie haat jy op di oomblik ?
Mwn dis persoonlik
Sal jy my doen hahaha
Nee sorri ek weet oki wi j isi
Hoekom die vok Bc jy so baie?
Want ek mag, ek kan, ek wil && ek sal.. Koop vjo n ane foon as j n prb ht of dlt m nt van bbm af!!* is bje makliker :)
Jys moer hot huko het j ni n ou ni ?
Hehe ni op di oomblik lus v n verhouding ni!*
What is missing in your life?
Nothing, *̩ hav everything *̩ need!!* :)
The thing you want the most this Xmas?
What happens when we die?
Then im dead..* Нaнaɑº°˚=Dнaнaɑº°=D
Hey jy miss jou geselskap vrek baie jys gorgeous en wil net se jy is verby die graad van mooi :)
Hay hay.. Uhmmm ping m op bbm dan kan nz pwat!!* hë•hë•hë•hë :p && thnx..* xx
Ping me on bbm if u know who I am??? (Blue eyes..blond hair......)And I have dimples....hahaha...and I dating your friend..:p
....awnser this after you pinged me so I can c if u got it right,,,,
Uhmmmm Ruan??*
You are very beautiful and I like it a lot :) have a beautiful day!! :D TheUnKnOwNguy
Thnx unkown guy!!* xx
Kak j baja
Hahahah wtf??*
Wanne j van plan om bietjie te spyker??**
Wanneer ek 50 is..* ℓ☺ℓ
Wie het dai ding op gesit van ons 3????????????????????????
Bra hu mut ek weet mens kani sien wi jw di **** vra ni..*
What size bra do u wear ?
Non of yur bisness...*
Uhmmm....het jy al ooit n crush op Justin Nel...Ruan Stander....en Juan-Dre Kruger gehad?
Ni ¹ ni..* <3
Wie de hell het my naam daar op gesit????
Ε̲̣̣̣̥к̲̣̣̥ haat juw al van learskwl af - haha и̣̣̣̣̥ε̲̣̣̣̥ε̲̣̣̣̥ Ε̲̣̣̣̥к̲̣̣̥ joke net - JУ *̩s И̣̣̣̣̥*̩ te bad И̣̣̣̣̥*̩ - Ε̲̣̣̣̥к̲̣̣̥ sal juw tiete vashou
Horie j is n perv lykit m.. Los m yt && dlt m smr van bbm af !!* danQii..*
You are ****ing beuatifull
Hë•hë•hë•hë :p thnx..*
Wil net se daai persoon wat gese ht hys ni juw bra ni is ska iemand wat wens hy kan juw tiete op hu oo en mnse hu hulle kak koments vr julle self asb
Xx ♡
Your beyond beautiful just want to Kiss You!!* xxx
Lol uhmm.. Thmx && yeah ping mii on bbm..* xx
A Movie that made you cry?
My sisters keeper
Ek is ni jou bra nie okni jou pantie nie !
Sowi ou!!* xx
Lol what a weird dude
Yeah right
Hey dis ek ek hou van jou maar ek hou nie van die manier hoe jy praat nie :(
Lol bra wi j && anvaar m soos wat ek is bra... Xx
Verduidelik asb vimy hoe lyk jou tone en voete
Wtf bra??
Who's the guy you like ?
If you really like him you would say he's name
*̩ really like him but im not gona say his name cuz its gona spoil everything
Lol come on you're a girl and u don't think the best feeling in the world is love LOL the worlds ending
Im not like all tipe of girls sowi ay
Ek wil jou vry..
Lol wi j?? Ping m op bbm..
The best feeling in the world is love
Oooh please ill believe it when *̩ c it
What do you think is the best feeling in the world?
Dono ddnt hav it yet
Something you plan on never doing again?
Crying m eyes out about a guy!!*
Wat Is daai report violation ding ?
Nee ek wti..* xx
Hahaha oms die kak °̩s snaaks! Ok neh mar onthuw net dis net die laaities wat soos f**s groot gemaak word wat so °̩s!,,,die ouens wie hard groot gemaak word °̩s en sal altyd 'n meisie op haar plek kan sit neh! En btw soooo wie die ou in juw oog? :p
Hë•hë•hë•hë :p uhmmm okii..* & mwn hë•hë•hë•hë :p dt m geheim..* PING m op bbm dan sal ek jw dalk se!!* xx
Kom ek se vr julle hkm ht mycis meer balls as seun want in vandag se lwe sal di seuns enige ding naai al bedoel dt dat hulle n seun moet naai sal hulle so wrd nu bieki fking groot en los vr Chella yt syt ni tyd vr gay a*s f**s soos julle ni
....* xx
Ja die meisies in suid afrika vandag het meer ballas as seuns want hulle is besig om seuns te word ! Nou weet ek hoekom het die moslem vrouens niks regte nie want As jy. Vir vrouens regte gee dan word hulle manne
Нaнaɑº°˚=Dнaнaɑº°=D yeah!!* the boys are gay these days..!!*
Ag , we will se who has the most balls when WAR comes! ..
Dono ? Dono dono dono DONO! Dis hoe jy deur die lewe ook gan gaan. , soek jy n R10000 dan se jy Dono. ?
Ag GaƝ vlieg in jw moer in ek kanit mos se soveel sows wat ek wil!*
Grls wear boy shoes cuz you see these days us girls have more balls then u boys u should wear pumps cuz you 2 stupid 2 put your name at the Q
Grl stay dope
Hë•hë•hë•hë :p tell them girla!!! (BiGg huGg) Xx
Het jy enige iemand in die oog? :p
Yeah hehe
If you knew you could not fail ,what would you do?
What would you leave in your will for the person you care about the most?
Sien .. Jy vat uit di klas Uit gejaag as n goeie ding:(
Ag jitte man!!* dti asof dt nog nooit mt jw geb hti..*
Los vi chellaQ yt sy kan dra wat sy wil **
Yess se hul.. :p
Hoop jou been voel beter more chellaQ hehe
Hë•hë•hë•hë :p thnx thnx!!*
Dis n random vraag
Wtr ¹ ??*
Nee ek vra manet want dis netsovel n seun dra pumps
Dis netsovel n seun dra pumps
Ek is teleurgesteld in jou :(
Hkm dra j seuns skool skoene ?
Ping m op bbm dan se ek jw!*
Heyy Chella justt popp inn andd ii ii mizz youu aa lott heree 
Нaнaɑº°˚=Dнaнaɑº°=D ħą¥ ħą¥ hë•hë•hë•hë :p awww cute , not ² be mean but whozZ u..* and if *̩ new id probibly miss yuWw 2!!* xx
U wana date me?
Dono whoo u r!!
Reading this messages is very entertaining :D
Нaнaɑº°˚=Dнaнaɑº°=D yeah *̩ know the people of today r soo common!!* they seriously dnt hav a life!!*
Sit asb n pic van jou voete as jou pp asb
Hey michelle botha ok ÆÒš is 14 in gr 8 in jeugland ÆÒš het op die 2de september n se* gehad met n meisie was 17 is dink jy ÆÒš moet weer alhoewel dit net vir 10 min was
Uhmmmm ek wu dti wti bje ďąήƙίƹ & nee ek dinki j mut ooit wee op sulke jong ouderdom ni want j is nog te jonk ... Speel liewers mt karretjies as wat j sulke gud doen!!*
Ek het vandag se* gehad met n 17 jarige gal maar net vir 10 min dink jy ek moet weer more ÆÒš is 14
Uhmmmm ek wu dti wti..*
Hehe jy lyk soos gr11 of its
Нaнaɑº°˚=Dнaнaɑº°=D okii
Hey jou se*i kind
Нaнaɑº°˚=Dнaнaɑº°=D ħą¥!*
Wate graad is jy? ....
8... J kon dt netsowel oor bbm vra!!*
Muni vir daai mense luister nie hulle is net jeulos op jou ! Rerag omdat jy die looks het , jy het die smaak alles
Hë•hë•hë•hë :p thnx man!! Xx
Johhh lyk of j n leke handjob sal gee
Man GaƝ speel mt jwself!
Hou naels lyk kak op ju pfp
Jw prb ni myne ni!!*
Jy hoef ni te weet wie ek is ni slet
Wel as j ni wil se ni glo ek j is n groter ene..* dnt judge people before you dnt know them..* word biQ groot toe!!*
Ekt al gehoor dat jy kaal fotos stuur vir seuns en jy slaap saam met seun so not a virgin slu*
Hori kan ek jw nu nt gu vinnig itZ se, ekka ht nog nooit in m lewe n foto sonder klere v n ou of enige iemand gestuur ni & ekka is nog 100% single julle kan m mar gaan toets & al m vriende en vriendinne vra..* doen m n guns & se m mar wi j is want j is meer bek as byt!!*
Hey Chella it me again well since u bored I thought maybe I can come spread the love
I love your eyes they so green
Your awesome grla don't let them haters get u down
Hë•hë•hë•hë :p thnx thnx, but *̩ still dono whoo u r hë•hë•hë•hë :p ping mii on bbm plZz..* #mutchlove
Jys n regta slet jy
Ag ďąήƙίƹ..* ek glo ni j weet wat dt beteken ni..* hë•hë•hë•hë :p ma o well if thats the way u feel or think about mii ,atleast *̩ apreciate the way God made me!!* xx
Kan jy ophou met juw k*k bc's !!!
Nee sowi as j n prb darme ht kry n Nokia
3 things that attracts you to a person?
6pack ,Length, eyes...
K???? Hehe ge my nog n letter
Uhmmmm as ek mag vra??? Wi j???
Le en chil hehe en wi dit
Wat maakies jy als ;)
Chat mt di cute'ste ouq op bbm nj
Hehehe bly dit gan goed met juw heheh * gud danki bly maar rustag hehe #muchlove
Jy het krap mooi oo jis
Hë•hë•hë•hë :p thnx thnx .... Xx
Ek wil jou rerag op bbm ping maar jy ken my nie
Нaнaɑº°˚=Dнaнaɑº°=D oky'Zz..*
It was at that other dudes house hehe I still spilled my drink on you yeah that night
Sowi cant remember!!* ping mii on bbm then we chat there..* xx
I'm coming over to your house tomorrow to show your parents the pics.
What pics??*
Hehe okay so haters plz leave her alone she ain't got time for your kak grl stay awesome forget about these weird freaks they just jealous bly so epic salii daii aand vergeet okay my afr s*ck haha
Нaнaɑº°˚=Dнaнaɑº°=D thnx thnx!!* witch night hë•hë•hë•hë :p if *̩ may ask!!??*#mutchlove
HahA ♡ Ek wil my self simpel lag vir die PERVS wat sulke goed skryf! Net lus as jy my vra.. Moenie jou aan hulle steur nie! Hulle het niks beters om te doen nie! #stayawesome
Hë•hë•hë•hë :p yups yups ekka lag owk myself altyd sick v hulle hë•hë•hë•hë :p hul ht sows rrg ni n lewe ni..* lekker aandQ verda!!* #mutchlove
Hey chella hoe gan it met juw hehehe stay awesome ;)hay
Hë•hë•hë•hë :p ħą¥ ħą¥ , thnx dt gaan gud ďąήƙίƹ..* nmj??* #mutchlove
U know u wana date a indian guy
Bro just f*** off oky
Bec your white and not f-up? So your saying indians and other races are f'd up?
Im going 4 m type
Hey ek haat die Ouens Wat so pervs is met Jou..Jy is n Stunning Meisie jy verdien Meer..En ek is n Tipe ou Wat rrg omgee*wou maar net se jy is rrg amazing mooi;)
Thnx man hë•hë•hë•hë :p
Why don't you want to date an indian guy?
Bec im white nd not f-up
HEy ChellAqii wil net së jy is een SUPer AMAZING girL.!! En die stunningSte Ooit.. Maar jy bly die se*YSTE van Al die ander girl..
Awwww cute man!! Ekka seka j is nt sooo amazing.. PING m op bbm !! Mwђα
Het jy en sune gestraant leke koek gestamp
Jou p#*s man
Would you date an indian guy?
Aii die perv ouens .... Ek sal nooit sulke goed vir jou se nie .. Ek sal jou met respek treat en als wat ek het vir jou gee..
Thnx, Ping m op bbm..