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Chelsea Ryan


Ask me things xx

21 Replies

Your dream Job?

Couch Potato

ChelsRyan replied 3107 days ago

How do you want to end 2014 ?

By doing something fun

ChelsRyan replied 3501 days ago

Long thoughts on Britt! ;P brittney.p

Britt your so easy to get along with!! When ever I'm around you, I laugh so much because you have a wicked sense of houmour! We have so much fun at school!! Netball is fun when I verse you ahah and we have some pretty good memories with each other and I'm sure there'll be heaps more to come :) your really pretty and sweet and we just get along so well even tho we haven't known each other that long :) x

ChelsRyan replied 3522 days ago 1

Long thoughts? :-D xomeekaxo

We use to be so close like sisters, your actually quite funny, we haven't talked in ages.. We have the best memories ever together like the time we smashed the frozen lemonade against the tree and basketball nights, throwing the ball over the car park roof at your house and going to your mums work and sitting there for ages :) ahah x

ChelsRyan replied 3523 days ago 1

Your dream Job?


ChelsRyan replied 3523 days ago

What do you love the most?


ChelsRyan replied 3532 days ago

Love you Chelsea miss you xox love Rach :)

Awh miss you to! Love ya to x :)

ChelsRyan replied 3534 days ago

Who's your best friend and why?

They know who they are :)

ChelsRyan replied 3534 days ago

Where do you want to live when you older?

In a house

ChelsRyan replied 3535 days ago

What would you suggest everyone try ?

To not be ***holes

ChelsRyan replied 3542 days ago

Thoughts fob Tayladipalma

Really funny, easy to get a long with.. Good as friend, you've got great food ;) that time in Sale was pretty fun and your pretty.

ChelsRyan replied 3554 days ago 1

Thoughts :) xx Rachlovesyaxo

Your awesome! Your always looking out for me and helping me out. Your really pretty, your easy to get along with to everyone! And I've always got ya back!! xx your the best mate!

ChelsRyan replied 3577 days ago 1

Thoughts make it long? :) MiniMoRgZ

Haha hmm... Your nice, got a great sense of humour! Your good to talk to, but yeah need to talk more. your pretty good at footy. Really quiet at times and yeah...hope that was long enough :)

ChelsRyan replied 3632 days ago 1

What do you s*ck at?

Idk a lot of things aha :P

ChelsRyan replied 3649 days ago


Idk who's this?

ChelsRyan replied 3649 days ago