Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
Just two! Ughhh. I dislike my inability to make up my mind as to what I want/have trouble sticking to one thing/person. Aaaaand **** there's so many other personality flaws to list but instead of getting into that I'll just leave it at: 2- my t*** s*ck.
*Friends. Lochie Keogh, Paris Brown, Jaimee Chipperfield, my mum and my sister.
Haven't you heard? Girls don't fart.
I can't even choose one, the amount of stupid things I hear in a single day is enough to make me want to shoot myself.
Nunya, Nunya Beezwax; pwoah that girl knows how to work her hips.
Grimes, she just doesn't know it yet.
Do another England tho.
Anything would be better than my smashed-up dinosaur iPhone 3, probably a 5 tho idk.
Can't pick just one.
Allllllll the time.
What a ridiculous question.
Idk if you mean looks or personality so I'll do a mix of both. Jesse Cirulis, Luke Brady, Josh Weber, Lochie Keogh, Trent Bucknell, Campbell Fox aaaaand Aiden Caspersz. But then there's also like Hayden Wood and Adam Finlay and Dylan Thompson and Brendan Bonell and awh they're all too sweet I can't name just 7.
Ciara Tierney.
Paris Brown. Jaimee Chipperfield. Alice Thompson. Jane Exell. Kirsten Ryan. Mikaela Vincent. Tayla Van Heurck.
What's a cried? I'm tough and cool and not at all vulnerable *sweats nervously*
I miss a lot of people, I don't know. I feel like I always miss someone at one point, like I'm never not missing someone. But right now I can't really think. I miss my nan tho, and that s*cks because I know I'm going to have to miss her forever.
I could not give less of a **** about cars if I tried.
Hahah you're actually the saddest little thing. I didn't at all go into great depths about the details of masturbating. Matter of fact, I didn't even use the word; if you're referring to the response I'm thinking of then all I said was "technically myself". You feel sick merely reading the slightest hint at mas*********? Woah, seek help. And if you really can't hack it, then don't tag me/read my stuff. Really quite simple, lover.
Haha are you going to be okay? Practically everyone mas*******s and if you don't then you're missing out on one of life's greatest pleasures. You're v immature and sad and I'm sorry that your mother wrapped you in cotton wool and locked you in your bedroom until your turned 16. But hey, it's a big world out here and big kids do big kid things. Go and touch yourself, I promise you'll like it.
Feeling people slip away/lose interest in you. Being replaced. Thinking about leaving school. The concept of age.
Not sure if asking my weakness as in what I give in to or my weakness as in a field I'm not strong in/a character flaw. So I shall answer both: my weakness is accents and cute little shy boys. And my other weakness is that I am a c u n t.
Myself technically.
Soz no girl or boyfriend.
People call me things like Annoying, Freak, Creep, Idiot and many more, do they count as nicknames?
Like another 20 years idk haha.
Bad hygiene and arrogance.
Pretty much every girl I'm friends with is gorgeous I can't even be bothered listing tbh.
Right at this very second, uhh, starts with J and ends with osh and my nan.
Happiness. If you succeed at being happy you have succeeded in life.
If you multiply 2 by 10 and then divide it by 2 then minus 3 and times that by 10 then divide that by 2 and minus 25 I think I'm sittin' somewhere around there. Just sayin'.
I'll call people whatever the hell I want, kitten. Creep it real!
I am a smartphone.
And you can't spell. But do elaborate.
A no to sparks flying? I don't know what you're implying by that, but I'm going to say no. Just having a friendly chat is all. P.S- you're creepy.
Haha uhhh, we were reminiscing on funny year 7 memories thanks anon.
I think we can agree on that.
Myself and someone very important to me; I'm not going to single out and name names but yeah, not the best feeling in my stomach. Things are pretty much sorted now though so all g yo.
Would probably be the conversation/argument I'm having with someone right now. All of the **** feels.
Hahaha anon pls. I don't have a boyfriend.
Pretty much anyone.
Pwooooah who is this?! So many little hints. Ah thanks! Well at the moment I'm trying to grow it as long as possible, but some day when I'm sick of long hair I do intend to cut it short.
Haha awh stahp. Really? I used to want short hair, like boy length when I was younger, but I think my shoulders are too big for it so it'd look manly, and I already dress like a boy as it is. Haha, thanks though! :)
Awh anon you're cute! Whaaaa hey now, how short are you talking here?
Haha don't mock me.
"This Is Why I Don't Shave" directed and shot by Chelsea Ryan. Staring Chelsea Ryan.
Was outside the school canteen in year 7 and straight after I told him that it tasted like slushy.
Jac Higgins. (We're reminiscing and I'm copping all dat nostalgia).
Probably my overalls, or one of my jumpers, or my green cord jacket, or my rocket ship t-shirt. Oh fk idk.
You've probably just got this idea in your head now that I'm better than I really am. I'm sure if you saw me now you'd understand I could never live up to the standard that you build me up to be at. It's all in your head, trust me. I'm not different at all. I'm really sorry I'm just trying to be real with you man.
When they care too much about what people think of them and take life too seriously.
"Always will", I highly doubt that. You'll slowly move on, you'll forget me to the point where one day you'll wake up and wonder what you saw in me. Trust me, there will be others and you'll be just fine.
I really don't know what to say over this because you could be anyone, like it's hard to discuss unless we're speaking personally. But if this IS you then idk, I think it's all just too long gone.
As if you still feel that way, I don't understand. Message me dude; I'm intrigued.
Would I know who this is? Clue word: mullet?
Smelling good aaaannnd scratching, neck kissing/licking, biting, bit of hair pulling tbh. Idk; if I'm attracted to you already, you could tell me that you just ate a sandwich and I'd just fall at your feet and be like "ermahgerd that's so hot baby tell me more". Kinda depends on the person if cha feel.
Friends. Food. Music. Books.
If this is who I think it is, then why don't you just message me?
I've been thinking about it and I totally ****ing do. It's the overalls and red Docs, isn't it? God damn.
Awhhh Jesus Christ. This is most definitely an exaggerated compliment but it's very sweet of you nonetheless. Thank you anon, you make me happy! :)
I know you probably hear this every day, but I'm your biggest fan.
Look I dunno dude, some may say I give off that "male clown" vibe. I'm striving towards that goal and I'm glad people are finally acknowledging me for who I aspire to be. #maleclownlyf
He's so modest too!
He really is :( Just wanna be like him.
I definitely think it makes it easier! Of course it does. Anonymity makes absolutely everything easier. And no, no I don't find the *exually oriented questions INTRUSIVE as such, though some (very few) I wouldn't answer publicly.
Hahahahah omfg anon you've truly outdone yourself. I think you take the cake for the funniest/rudest abuse on my entire account. Holy ****. I DO plan to join the circus as a clown at one point in my life and I'd much rather be a boy than a girl anyday so you're kinda spot-on there. Hahahah male clown, you kill me. *insert Anchorman meme here* "I'm not even mad."
What a great question! I like the concept of it, as it's often hard to leave a name along with the things you wish to say to someone. Sometimes you want someone to know something without them knowing who it's coming from. I think the anonymity is both good and bad, just as everything can be. It can be used innocently or used as a weapon to harm others. It all comes down to the owner of the account though, and how they choose to react to anything hurtful. I think in setting up a account you have to be aware of what you're signing up for and understand that you mustn't get too emotionally invested in it.
She hates me because I'm black and refuses to support me in perusing a career in rap. (Holy **** that ****ing rhymes, you see what I mean? I'm a natural).
I'd love to get to know Arna Griffin bc she just seems ****ing rad. Also wanna get closer with my homies (Rennie and Josh), Jesse bc I know he has love for me somewhere deep down in his blackened soul, and Bronson too bc he's such a top bloke. Everyone really, I'd love to just have a really tight year level where everyone gets along.
Enough for me to live and travel off. Money ain't **** unless you're making memories.
Paris Brown. Jaimee Chipperfield. Alice Thompson. Lochie Keogh. Rennie Lewis. Kirsten Ryan.
HAHAH THIS IS GREAT. Bit of a head case; I don't see how but I like that anon.
Wow I used to get told a lot that I looked like her but I haven't had that in ages. In looks or characteristics? Idk what to say, thank you maybe bc she's hot haha.
When I'll be eating next.
Crushes, so many, crushes everywhereeeee. I have a crush on Peter Pan.
Oh it's absolutely hilarious for a girl to admit she mas*******s but boys can have open conversations about mas********* and that's considered normal. Yes, of course I admit to masturbating? Almost every girl ever does it. I'll admit to that any day. Your maturity levels are what's amusing me, Anon; grow up or get a *ex ed class for Christ sakes. Now run along.
Maintaining a healthy diet, staying out of other people's business, going to bed early, playing guitar, being silent, committing to one person and life.
Hahah awh! **** yeah anon, you're the greatest! Thanks so much; I suppose you can't please everyone huhh?
Alright anon, enlighten me; on which social networking site did I "admit to doing an***" and when? Because I'm 100% sure you're full of ****, I wouldn't admit something that weren't true. But what I'm trying to get across to you is, that regardless of whether I did or not, it wouldn't matter either way. There is no shame in being open about one's *ex life, and I find the *exism in your insults really quite amusing considering in this society it is completely normal and acceptable for boys to not only discuss their *ex lives, but BRAG about them. Yet, if I girl even as much as answers a question with honesty, or feels comfortable enough to be open about her *ex life, she is considered filthy. I really hope you're not a girl, anon, otherwise you have completely ruined yourself with your dumb accusations and blind supporting of double standards/*exism. So no, I did not get ****ed in the as*, no I did not admit to it, and you're a ****ing idiot. Much love :)
I don't know what those stars mean but I'm guessing it's an insult. Oh "go right ahead", thank you so much for your permission on what I do and do not have the right to say. I speak openly about things that I deem personal with my close friends and those I trust; everything on social networking it pretty basic and lacking detail and I don't believe anything I've "admitted" to on this website is anything that could really be held against me. So! Probably toughen up and stop being such a little soft-**** unless you plan to live in a straight jacket rolling around in cotton balls for the duration of your life. Thanks kitten! :)
Woah what a beautiful thing to say! Thank you so much, that actually means a lot to me! I apologise that we only speak on the rarest of occasions, get to know me better! Can never have too many friends :)
Hahah uhhh, I don't think that actually happened though anon considering I've never done an*** so I wouldn't "admit" to something that weren't true. But yes, in general I'm pretty open about everything, including *exual things. So if I had done an***, yes, I'd probably admit to it. But I haven't. Besides, that doesn't make me filthy, it means I'm an open person and I'm honest. Some people are more conserved, good for them! Either way it doesn't matter. I'm an extrovert, being open is just a trait of mine. I'd apologise that it offends you but I really couldn't care less.
Hahah am I though? I don't think I am.
Ice Ice Baby- Vanilla Ice. Mah nigga.
Paris Brown- Oh lord where do I begin. She gets me, she just ****ing gets me like no other. We don't even have to say a word or have a conversation that makes sense for us both to be in stitches, or understanding exactly what one and other are feeling/thinking. We don't even have to try really, the kind of friendship that we won't even speak for like a week then b*mp into each other and be like who even are you? And things are just as they always were. She'll always be there even when she physically isn't, and we've been through a whole heap of stuff together. Plus she's ****ing beautiful and one of these days I'm gonna own dat sweet pussaaaaaaay. Love my Paz. Hannah Giffin- My little Moo, she's a ****ing idiot- when she's involved with boys and vodka, I stay well the **** out of it. But no matter what I'll always stick by her because she's so funny and she's my Moooooo. She's a beautiful girl and I love her, we've had the best times and shared the greatest memories. I look so forward to many more to come! Alice Thompson- I will always feel obligated to protect and stand up for that girl, like an endangered species of butterfly, so soft and delicate. She's so soft-natured, even when she tries to act tough and firm, and making her laugh is such a task because usually she just thinks I'm a ****head; but when I do it's the greatest feeling. She's such a little gimp, and I love her for it. Her beauty is unfathomable. Jaimee Chipperfield- This girl is tough as nails, and admittedly I'm a little jealous of her. She's so independent and capable that sometimes she makes EVEN ME feel like a little princess. Hilarious, pants are wet (always hers) when we're together, and I feel as though we could speak for days on end. The most I get to know her, the more I realise we have so much in common. She understands me life-views like no other and makes me feel a little less crazy sometimes. I've unintentionally turned her into a crazy little ****er, and I think she secretly loves it as much as I do. I love all these girls with all my heart.
Oh lord please help me no. Josh Weber- My homie, Gangstermigos beat-boy bc he can't rap. Such a beautiful boy, he intrigues me like no other. I feel like I can never know him well enough. I have a lot to say about Josh but he knows it all already. Renton Lewis- My homie, another very important member of the Gangestermigos. I'd definitely consider him as one of my closest friends. We get along so well, and he always know how to put me in a good mood/make me laugh. Such an incredible person, it's a privilege to know him. Tyler Neil- I don't know him as well as the other boys, but from what I'm experienced he's really funny and easy to talk to. He seems like a really nice person. Dylan Thompson- Such a cool guy. So easy to get along with, he seems so genuine and he's so funny and nice. And oh such nice skin. Aaaand Bronson- Bronson stop asking me questions. Hahah, no but really Bronson is the nicest guy and I love spending time with him, even just sitting together in outdoor ed sharing or speaking about music. He's really genuine and easy to get along with and I'm looking forward to getting closer with him this year. Mah nigga.
Well isn't it lucky that I don't dress and look the way I do to gain your approval nor do I do it to impress you. I'm not a feminine person, so I won't dress like one, and I don't think I ever really did. Thanks for voicing what you "personally think" but I don't want/need to hear it.
Dellen Gee, oh lord save. She is so beautiful. And I'm so damn intrigued by her, I always think about getting inside her mind and seeing what she's really like. I'd love to know her.
Shaz-doggy Dog.
I don't have *ex with ANYONE all the time so he's a liar and how embarrassing for him lol
Paris Brown, Ryan Webster, Lochie Keogh.
Oh damn, aggressive. Uhhh, she's really smart, like it's scary and it's like she knows everything, always one step ahead. Best taste in music and movies and clothes. We share the same views on so many things. She's one of the most thoughtful people I've ever come across and the amount of effort she makes makes me feel guilty every time. She's so reliable and helpful, always going the extra yard. She's beautiful and she smells good and she's cuddly and she has good taste in socks. Yeah, idk. Boss as* *****, that woman.
Doesn't matter at all. Even if it's so small it can't be used or I can't even see it, there are always other alternatives. As though as the boy isn't a twat and they're willing to figure things out then it doesn't matter, really.
I can't make "joeks" and you can't spell. I suppose we all have our faults.
Aaron Clarke, Josh Weber, Jason Varadi. Mind is blank, sorry. I found it funny how the boys aim to be funny and the girls aim to be *exy. So most of the boys were too funny to be attractive.
Your mother.
Did you just add me before? With no profile picture? Is that you? (Don't wanna write your name).