I feel like you dropped off the face of the earth... Whereve you been? I miss ur face libfalls
I've been home text me love
Name 3 people you trust?
Lib, Andy. :)
Like in general.
Ahhh I don't really know man..
What are you looking for in life?
Like what
it certainly isn't whoever you would like it to be I'm sure Lol
Then tell me
Idk about that.. . All I ever wanted was to be happy with you.. I really am sorry for everything
well... Text me then.
you're so ugh..pretty. It'd be a dream come true to see your face every morning lying soundly asleep
Awh this is cute :$ who's this
im really sorry chels.. I miss you
I'm sure I miss you too
let us dance in the rain, stare at the stars, and wander our hearts
that would be lovely
Have you ever farted and blamed it on someone else?
Nah man flaunt it
the downer of anons
your actually a bombshell:$ - kurtis cloud
Oh why thank you kurtis
luv yew long time! (-__-)
oh mi luv yu tu
Okay, here's the shot out of the cannon: Oprah, Barbara Walters, Ellen. You gotta f*** one, marry one, kill one, go!
why are these all ladies?
I'm jealous of how fkn pretty you are. Honestly, ever since I first saw you, I thought you were gorgeous, and you're really nice too!
That made my heart melt thank you
you're just a cup of tea
Am I?
meh? yes, no?
I'm not quite sure
interrested in anyone?
Worst Mistake You ' ve ever Made ?
Stuck around your bull****
dont leave my life again i missed u oh so much!<3
love love you
Why is it called a "building" when it is already built?
Yknow... Don't ask me these trick questions
You are simply wonderful!!!!
I wish I could go back to grade 9 and do things differently.. so much regret
well feel free to talk to me about it if you'd like.
Selfless lovely thing
Copy cat!
Your stunning
You are awesome