Chelsey Alexander
How much wood can a wood chucker chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood
I'm guessing around 34.6 pieces of wood.
Thoughts on Charlotte Townsend
Don't know her that well, but seems really nice and funny! She is also really pretty :)
Do u no why?
Don't know why.
Thoughts on rhyses last root
Really? Is that appropriate?
Snapchat name??
1 2 3 4...
I declare a thumb war.
5 favourote people
Mum, dad, Rhys, Renee and you.
What do you think is the best feeling in the world?
When the waiter brings my food. <3
What was up lunch time on Thursday? ;)
I can't remember.. Some hints?
Who would you say is your best guy friend at the moment?
I don't really know..? I don't talk to guys, or people in general.. Yay for my social life.
Thoughts on Jonas Marks?
Love him! Actually so funny, and great to talk to. He is one of the sweetest guys around.
Most attractive year 10's.?
Girls or boys?
Who is you most favourite guy in the whole world???
Meghan <3
Something you plan on never doing again?
Stapling my fingers..
If you knew you could not fail ,what would you do?
Name one other guy that is attractive in your group besides them?
Why does this bother you so much?
I think Jordan is the only attractive guy in your group and Aaron and Ollie if you count them too... The rest aren't even that good!
You can't talk.
Why are the guys in your group so attractive?
They all work really hard on it, but they pull it off, don't they?
You're one of the most beautiful girls at our school Chelsey! You seem like the type of girl who I could cuddle up with while we watch movies, eat pizza and make out on rainy on rainy days. I wish we were that close though :/
I love pizza!
I want to know who this is, please?
Favourite colour?
why do you have so much swag? ;)
I don't know. It just comes naturally ;)
What are you most looking forward to in year 11 and 12?
Nothing. I'm freaking out about it all.