Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
Go into isolation, scream and cry. :(
****ing everything up and ruining good friendships.
I don't.
Bad breath.
Why do you seem to care? Its not really anyone's business..
Its really not any of your business.
Yes, who hasn't?
The way you worded your sentence, is incorrect. And what are you, a qualified English teacher? At least I use proper grammar and punctuation, unlike most people in today's society. :)
What kind of person, asks these things?
45 minutes. <3
we dated in grade 7; and you have grown up so much now compared to then. :) Such a lovely boy.
be mine already. :(
I don't know who he is, but may he rest in peace.
Food. ;c
Exactly right, and he hasn't. He ****ed up the first time, and he would do it all over again. I find it funny it takes him to realize how much i apparently "mean" to him, after he already ****ed me over.
N'awh; Even if he did want a second chance, he wouldn't be this pathetic and he would actually inbox me.
I have no idea who you are. :(
You can please inbox me, so we can talk properly?
What about my bestfriend? :/
A lot of guys have left me for someone else, please just inbox me.
Never said he got a chance again, I don't even know who he is?
Wow; I have no idea who this is. please take your time to inbox me a meaningful apology and 3 reasons why you think we would work a second time. :)
N'awh thank you! :') Positive comments, makes me a happy and less self conscious Cheyenne..
Murder the people I hate, if I wasn't so scared of going to jail.
You are so honest, and attractive. :') I wish we did get closer when I was living in Bendigo. need to talk more. :) x
Thank you. :')
I honestly have no time for negative people; so I don't care what people think.
Yeah babe?
My mum.
So, I know who I have and haven't slept with. Pretty sure if this was such a big deal, you would inbox me, not go on anon and write it over this.
I'm trying my very hardest, my wall is up, but isn't blocking out the negativity.
N'awh; these are the kind of things that make someone feel good about themselves. :)
You're like the most gutless person, I've ever met. :)
Oh hey babe. ;)
A boyfriend? Wait no, I don't even know what they need, or what to feed them, or if they need to be walked.
Your face is moist. ;) Isn't that funny?
Drips* Hahaha, shhh.
Only on chips and gravy. ;$
He's a big cutie! Use to be good friends back when we went to bse. (:
Cheyenne_Jaala, I think. Or cheeyjaala eh.
Where da food at!
It's the angle the photo was taken; and pretty sure you're a gutless cockhead who couldn't even grow up and actually message me this on Facebook.
**** you, what's yours?
Can you honestly, go **** yourself! You don't know what the hell is going on and to be honest neither do I. So either delete me off Facebook or ****ing shut your mouth and ignore what I post, stupid ****!
Hello there, darling anon.
I don't really take note; unless someone's keen to get into the mood. ✌
Um; haven't really lost a person that I would want to see again. I gained amazing people and would love to see them again.
Don't know how anyone could miss me; I'm such a *****!
Tbh; I don't even know. I've lost a lot of male friends from there since I left. :(
My true best friends are Emily and Tanieka.
There's two; and that's Emily & Tanieka. My main girls. <3
First friend I ever had when I moved to Bendigo, she's my sister girl. My everything. She use to live around the corner from me and I always saw her everyday. We have only had one fight in the last 5 years of being friends. I honestly miss her more than anything and its driving me crazy. Two years without her by my side has been so tough. She is absolutely incredible and perfect.
Don't know how they can be, when I never get naked. :)
My ideal guy; GORGEOUS EYES. Chubby. Must like me for me. Can't be over the top clingy. Must respect my need for space. Has to accept my baggage and mood swings. AND MUST LOVE NOODLES AND FLAVORED MILK.
Thank you, anon. :)
Next time won't you sing with me!
Who the **** knows; I'M STILL ALIVE !
I'm angry because I am so sick of people that I care about; forget about me. they just ignore me and just act like It's okay. WELL IT'S NOT.
Thanks. (:
Why thank you. :D
Hahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahha! No.
Well inbox me on Facebook, so I know who you are! (:
To be honest; I just got out of a relationship with my ex who had two kids. I don't think I could ever go through that again, especially when I'm only 17 and want kids of my own sometime in the future.
I know; it gets really annoying and makes me sick to the stomach. :/
That's a bit inappropriate.
Well maybe you should. -.-
And you're very kind. :$
In love! I'm getting tattoos once I turn 18 and I love riding dirt bikes, so a guy who has tatts and rides, should ****ing marry me!!!
My personal life, is NONE of your business. :)
For me to know.
Just a close mate, what's it to you?
Tomorrow, I am spending the day with my rents and siblings; and then going to watch a good mate of mine play hockey , with my bestfriend. (:
I would love a great guy, who I can fall in love with. Who won't treat me like dirt, would accept my past and me for who I am. I also would love a ****ing smoothie! ;)
I look for honesty, ain't afraid to be himself. Gorgeous eyes, incredible personality. And just straight up. (Y)
Awh, you're adorable. Should tell me who you are though. :)
Please inbox me. :)
To be honest, if you really wanted to know; you would have messages me over Facebook, not on here.
You know what I would love?
Classy, babe.
Wouldn't you like to know. -.- seed!
I know I'm only 17, and that's pretty young to start a family; but hopefully one day soon. If the right guy walked into my life. :)
Big enough to hold mine. :)
I don't have a favourite song, and my favourite food is just food in general. ;)
-.- none of your business.
Ning Ning Ning Ning ! :)
Well, There's extra small cups, small cups, medium cups, large cup, giant cups. ;)
I love her with everything I have. She's my little sister and even though distance is stopping me from seeing my bestfriend everyday. She is still my number one main girl and beyond perfect.
100% honest? NO ones business. :)