Chloe Teresa Da Camara
Will you twerk for me?
Hahaha, no!
Would You Have *ex At This Age ?
No, I'm waiting till marriage.
Who would you take a bullet for?
No ones worth it.
The best movie so far in 2014?
The Perks of Being a Wallflower
as* as* as* as* as* as* as*
Go stupid go stupid... whoop whoop ;)
Hello how u doing ? Thankxx for liking the pics I put up ... You gorgeous btw ... Mwah. IsmailDinat
Hey good thanks and you, noo problem. Thanks so much :D
Why did you cut your hair short and dye it red?
I like changing things up you know ;D, I'm adventurous :D
Hello how you ?
Good thanks and you :D
What was your last date like?
Beautiful.. yet simple, wish things lasted longer
How long did your last call last?
about 10 seconds
Would you rather trade some intelligence for looks or looks for intelligence?
You must express your feelings and not be embarised so who do you like:P
I'm not going to tell you now.
Who do you like?:p ;)
PING!!! Me on bbm and I'll tell you :)
Who do you like?
PING!!! me on bbm and I'll tell you :)
You have a nice pair of breasts
Uhh... excuse me, you shouldn't be looking there!
Do you want to get high?
Not one of my must do's.
How big is your TV?
60 inch
I wanted to hear your point of veiw
Uh.. okay
Do you think you know why a lot of guys don't approach you and what do you mean your comfort zone with them
I don't understand why you asking me this?
If you could ask your future self one question what would it be?
Are you happy?
How long does it take for a guy to get to know you and which guy do you think has liked you for long by their actions but doesn't admit it
Uh? Honestly I don't think anyone has liked me for a very long time and if they do I guess they should tell me. I don't know how long it really takes for a guy to get to know me it depends on my comfort zone with that person.
Why do you like dating guys that are mostly older then you
They are more mature honestly.
If you were a salad you would a nice sald... like a chicken salad
Uh thanks.. I'm sure you'd be a nice salad too :') =D
This is christopher... So is that a yes /:)
Christopher who?
Please just tell me? Yes or no
Don't think so :P
Is that a yes or a no?
Hahaha not answering until you tell me who you are?
We should totally smoke weed together;)
Who is this =D hahahahahhaha
Don't you just love weed?:p ;)
No only crystal meth :P
What are you wearing right now?
Nothing ;) hahahaha
Who are you thinking about as you answer this?
hahaha... no one? I'm a loner :P
What is the biggest turn on for you;)
a guy that isn't full if himself and doesn't portray himself to be the greatest most wanted guy ever.
Please read your bbm's and answer my algebraic question, mmkay?
I rock at that stuff!!!
Is he in KHS ;) if so what grade
don't you worry ;)
Just the first lette /:)
nope :)
The guy you like what does his name start with
not saying :P
no one you will know of :)
miss you soo much my chloe b*mz we really need to do something again ;) last year had some good times hahaha
awwh miss you too <3. yeah we did :)
What if you knew there was no chance of getting caught smoking
I still wouldn't do it.
Every body likes you :P
hahaha not true :P but thanks
Have you ever smoked weed? /:) if not would you ever?
no I haven't smoked weed, no I won't ever I'm too **** scared man =D:')
Do penguins have knees?
umh... that's a good question, I don't think they do because they always waddling around hahahaha
The first thing you think of after you wake up ?
I'm still tired.. =D
Which girl from gr7 irritated you
honestly I don't think there was anyone that irritated me.. I loved everyone so much in my old school.
After you fart do you like to smell it
that must be the weirdest question I've ever been asked on qooh me. this definitely has to be Tamlyn??
How are you Mother Teresa hahaha
umh? I'm not Mother Teresa?
Do you fart ?
LOL.. no of course not, psshhht girls don't fart man!!
A person you lost you would like to see again?
Too many to think of.. :)
Is roberto in ur grade hot?
I think he is quite good looking why?
Ever had a crush on a friend if yes ,who was it ?
I've had a lot of crushes on friends
Who r the 5 hottest guys in ur grades;)
Don't have sorry. :)
Reason for your last breakup?
Rather not talk about it.
Who do you like?
It\'s complicated. . :)
Hey you..... Just wanted to say Hi and spread some of my love on your goohme .... I miss you and can't wait to speand time with you ..... Hope you enjoied your weekend :*<3
Do Ʊ think tamlyn is pretty
I know this is you Tamlyn x_x
CccccHhhhhhLllllllOooooooeeeeeeeeE:D i always start conversations with you like thisx_x:p i love you<3 You better ‎no who this is:| i ‎no you from dancing:p so you have 2 ‎no:| But love you anyway:D<3
:D :D :D <3 <3 awwh love you tooo:D you amazing
Your the most perfect girl out there and ur just SO awesome love yoo
Thank you so much, I bet your awesome too ({}) and love you too :D
Hey beautiful ur my one and only and ur the most perfect person out there thanx for being so awesome
*Awwh? thank you so much, wouldn't you please ping me that was very sweet ({}) ;;)
Miss you as a friend! :}x.. Guess who this is.. Toby:| haha jokes:p... But seriously why we not talk:| .... P.S imma say embarras*ing stuff to Chad! Mwahahaha
Hahahaha... You crazy Travis :P, hahahaha paranormal is scary brah hahaha :| haha chat more k. ({})
How are you so thin ???:|
I dance a lot. :P:)
Hay my futUre Ms.South Africa ♥ *..just wanted toO colour Ùur wall.. [hOpe ü can figure out who this is]. Its been ιike α year since we last saw each other. Stay amaziing :P ♡ !!
Haha... Hey Lizzy:), miss you darling.. We should hangout sometime ({})
Chloé food is so nice xD do you agree ?
Hahaha yeah food is pretty awesome, can't live without it.. Literally
You are the bestest best chick friend in the whole world :'-) amazing !!!
Spreading some love for the stoner
Hahaha... Sure. ;)
I have changed my mind chloé you are short xD
Hahaha whatever, I'm fun sized. :P
Chloe accept the fact u are so beautiful amazing and a stoner
Hahahahahaha, Chad.... I am not a stoner, I'm just so awesome that I can talk to animals. =D x_x :P
Food is nice :P you have to know who this is I love food so much !! :/ and I am lazy guess who ?
Haha... I have an idea but not sure, is this Timothy?
You're still a se*y beast :P
Hahaha.. Whatever Thomas. :P
You know what's wrong with you ? Nothing you're absolutely perfect !!!!!! :D
Haha awwh.. That's very sweet thank you. :) ({})
I aint no retard I'm awesome B-)
Hell yeah its me chloé :P
({}) Haha Thomas you retard. x_x
You are a se*y se*y beast !!!!
Hahahaha..... Thomas is that you? =D X_X hahaha
I have never seen anyone as beautiful as you :() you must always stay amazing how you are now !!!! No1 I have met is as beautiful / amazing as you !!!!
Wow... Thank you so much really means a lot. ({}) :)
wul? :)
This amazing boy named Chad. :D
Hottest guy you know and why?
Chad, he's just really amazing in every way.. <3
How in gods name are you so beautiful ? :D
Haha.. Thank you ({})
I'm amazing what biiiiaaaatch:| you better know who this is Chloé or else:| .. You better know with your make up like a clown:|
TRAVIS..... GO AWAY:ppppp........ hahahaha({})
You better be sorry:|.. :D
lol..... i"m sorry my BIIIIIAAAAATCCHHH
You mean:|
Travis..... I sorry ;;).....({})
You are a **AWESOME**,amazing,talented,pretty,cute,beautiful,gorgeous girl.....and don't ever change(:........You the coolest person I know (:!!!!!!!!!!! I love you sweetie pie(: (: (:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
aawwwwhh.... Where do all of you sweet people come from.... THANK YOU GANG LOADZ ({})
U such an amazing person u hectic pretty ;) I just need to tell u that u should never change & that I think u frikin awesome :*
awwwhhh...... thank you so much:* that means a lot i'm sure you are a really awesome person too.. {()}
Do u still have feelings for Kurt and Travis
I do not have any feelings for Kurt, but Travis is currently my best guy friend.. but nothing more than that. :)
Who was your best boyfriend
if you want me to be truly honest I would have to say Travis Macguire. :)
Pietpompies says howzit
Hahaha omg... Again Pietpompies x_x
If u can answer this riddle then your awesome...
If someone asked you why you burst out laughing randomly in dance clas* then what would you say??
Hahaha.... Welll.... I would say "it's an inside joke" ;) :P
à rate u are kak. Hot
Thanks but I think I know who you are:P
Sho sho:) who do u like? 9(!'ll never know:P;)
Are you over Travis
I'd rather not discuss these things over qoohme
Hey chop
Hey strawberry :P
If u had 2 choose between Travis and Zac Efron who would it be??????:)
Travis and I are no longer together so it's obviously Zac Efron all the way..
I l0vE u My SiStA!!:*({})... *J*
Awwww...:) ({}) love you too Jadey Pie
Guess who's back
How awkward is it going to be if u+Travis broke up and you guys land in the same clas*?
It won't reali be that awkward..what if we stay friends if we break-up
Let's sing a song u chose the song nd well sing it
Okay how about "Call me Maybe" :D
If some1 was like really rude 2 u wat would u do?
Probably then them they being quite rude & if they keep being rude I'd b*tch slap them..:D