how many cigarretes do you smoke in a day
i dont smoke anymore...
wat do thnk bout noel..mesho wako.
dont kno bt i look @ hm as a cool dude
is it true dat u hv 3kids and ur galfrnds abortion ndiyosayamba
ukafunse amako...
mafuso opusa ine ayi...
ka chigubu cha kd wagula kale sibweni?
zanga waka mwana wakwithu.......kd ndiosayamba
Kasi ndiwe chimzinda?
wabadwa ndi ndevu bwa?
inenso ndikudabwa
How many birthdays have u had
ndi ambiriko......can u guess?
kulanda si mlandu..wil try ma bst bt dnt kno hr name.
try ur luck dude....
i wanna kno bro..who r dese hot gals.i thnk i gut a crush on 1
which 1 u got a crush on....i bet u know
who is ur gal friend kikikikiki
she is a girl...why do u hav 2 kno
name 1 of ur frends hot galfrend...u adore.
mmmh...alipo awiri
Is it true dat u wana quit alcohol?
not sure...but soon!!
u were drunk..mu commons friday..ddnt kno u such a gud kisser.wow
dont remember...there is only 1 girl i kiss!!
y dd u kis me yet u say u luv ur galfrend?am tellin her bout dis if u dnt
dont remember kissin u!! where was it
wats de craziest thng uve done wt ur gal
Kissing 4 over 10 mins
Who are you dating currently
my girlfriend..
Describe yourself in 3 words?
handsome,black and *exy
What's the one rumour you've heard about you that is not true?
that am gay....