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Hard to believe we are good friends already! I feel like such a tagalong when I hang out with you and Chloe am and everyone else but you always make me feel welcome
Invisibility, flight or mind reading
OMG met u last term and I already consider us best friends! Love yaaa xoxoxo
Uhhmm what do you mean?
Ur a freaking amazing bro to hang with and a great friend to help me with the pain of the prison that we are locked up in for 6 hrs and 15 mins (adults call it school) so yay :3 defs a bff
My nieces and nephew, my pets and my friends :3
Hell no I'm usually late for school
I'm a demon in an angels body. I think
Flying, invisibility and either super-smart, super-strength or super-fast
Idk I don't really fight cause I stay indoors and practice my survival skills for the zombie apocalypse ;) but it'd be a pistol all the way
Long dress, preferably silk red or a dark green, with a split near the bottom, maybe sleeveless or strapless?
Idk some mild horror-comedies like Zombieland? And some kids cartoons that I watch with my nieces and nephew
Good person to talk to :D but I defs wanna talk and hang out more! And I heard it was ur birthday a few days ago so happy late birthday!
iPhone 5S but idk when I'm gonna get it because apparently I didn't earn it -_-
Never had one :/
Sure do! And I kick u a lot less now :3
So many people :(
Food, Facebook (sometimes), YouTube (sometimes), some select people and sleep.
James and Sachini mainly because they're the only I regularly see and Kelly Wright
Idk I'd need a lot to look after horses though :)
Why do you care?
Damn right I'm a demon James/Jack/Kelly/Declan/Steve/Sachini >:)
Let It Go by Idina Menzel
My best friend Annie :)
Goddamn I hate these types of questions -.- Josh B
Annie Gonano (she goes to Mt Erin) hands down!
-_- that's hard :/ can't answer that
Don't got one :/
Tbh Emily Lai, I think you're really nice and pretty and I think we should talk more :) x
That is none of your business.