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Chloe Sayle


Invade my privacy. Xx

5.2k Replies

whats your Instagram details??


Chloe.Sayle replied 2081 days ago

You are so beautiful ?? TheJackman


Chloe.Sayle replied 2111 days ago

Just because the baby doesn't know, doesn't make it fcking right.

who fcking cares ****
move on

Chloe.Sayle replied 2111 days ago

You're not sorry for calling an innocent baby ugly? But heaven forbid if anything is ever said about your kid or your friends kids.

nah im not sorry. the baby doesnt know i said it so ?‍♀️ also plenty of things have been said about my child and i ignore it bc i love him and thats all that matters to me

Chloe.Sayle replied 2112 days ago

You are so dumb hoe you are good for nothing don't just exist live your life btch fake girl you deserve a bad future & hell life

roger that ??

Chloe.Sayle replied 2113 days ago

Do you actually get off social media and play with your child at all?? Always seem to be online and half the time you’re laying on the couch, while Kasen plays and watch TV. Might help to actually interact with the poor kid

100% i play with my child, we do lots of stuff, go to parks and play, go to play centres and play. Of a morning he will play and ill sit on the couch til im awake and get my life together. But other than that we are always doing stuff together. thanks for the concern

Chloe.Sayle replied 2115 days ago

You don’t care because you’re the exactly the same immature b itch you were in high school. Yet you go around saying you’ve changed, 22 grow up and stop the btchy sht
It’s a fckig baby ffs, grow up.

why are you still here.

Chloe.Sayle replied 2115 days ago

You’re an actual ****, I don’t even know Alicia and to see the screen shots of you calling her kid ugly GROW THE fck UP. this is the stupid arse high school sht, you haven’t changed still a c u n t

idc and im not sorry. ?‍♀️

Chloe.Sayle replied 2116 days ago

You are gorgeous gal!

naw thxxxxx

Chloe.Sayle replied 2147 days ago

Why do guys find it so hard to reply. ?

coz they obvs dont wanna

Chloe.Sayle replied 2158 days ago

I am comfortable around the guy, just next to no confidence when making the first move. ??

haha me either so idk what to tell you

Chloe.Sayle replied 2166 days ago

What about if you are seeing a guy, any advice on being more confident there? ?

im only more confident if i feel comfortable around said guy. if they make you feel uncomfortable like you cant be yourself you have next to no hope in my experience

Chloe.Sayle replied 2167 days ago

Zach will probs just get Alysha preggo anyway

good on him, hope he does. kasen needs a sibling

Chloe.Sayle replied 2168 days ago 1

Im ashamed for how rude and disgusting my behaviour has been through school towards you and the Girls. Im sorry. ??

what girls? thanks i guess? who are you?

Chloe.Sayle replied 2168 days ago

Maybe your baby should be the reason you’re alive, not ya boyfriend ??‍♀️

my baby is very much the reason im alive.

Chloe.Sayle replied 2168 days ago