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Chloe Foster



48 Replies

You complain about getting bullied, but you f***ing start everyone. Leave trinny, Courtney and Tegan the f*** alone otherwise you have something coming your f***ing way.

Listen here you f***en pain in the as* Chloe hasn't contacted any of these girls since suspension except Courtney last week which was discussed with the mother

ChloeFoster replied 4268 days ago

Are you friends with Kaitlyn?

Don't really know who my friends are anymore I keep seeing things and hearing about things that friends don't usually do to each other then when I question them i get told I'VE changed among others Kaitlin hasn't bothered with me so I'm guessing we are not friends anymore

ChloeFoster replied 4268 days ago

Are you gonna come to school on the first day?


ChloeFoster replied 4268 days ago

Whats your fave colour?

Blue and Purple. :))

ChloeFoster replied 4268 days ago

you and all the girls you are fighting with are weak as f*** and you're all a bunch of oxygen theives get the f*** out of hoppers before i smash you all and ya f***en family

You won't be smashing anyone gutless on anon mind your own business and I suggest you get the f*** out of hoppers before I find out who you are.

ChloeFoster replied 4273 days ago

Stop being a smart as* and shut your mouth.

Stop being a pest

ChloeFoster replied 4274 days ago

no to getting bullied i mean

Well you only need to look at my page

ChloeFoster replied 4274 days ago



ChloeFoster replied 4274 days ago

I'm sorry to see all the hate you get, everyone just needs to grow up. Enough said.

Thanks, that's nice.

ChloeFoster replied 4274 days ago

the answer is no then?

The answer is no. I'm not allowed.

ChloeFoster replied 4274 days ago

Leave my daughter alone or I will be pressing chargers. Your stupid behaviour has gone on to long. Get a life & grow the f*** up! The police will be doing more then just a phone call if this carries on! Seeing her & me mentioned on this crap is the last straw! TaRsha3

I think you need to get a life

ChloeFoster replied 4274 days ago 7 1

Are you friends with Courtney Hoffmann or Courtney Bull-Pouru?

Courtney H.

ChloeFoster replied 4274 days ago

I feel bad that you get bullied so much but if I dont post this anon I will gte hate from everyone sorry. xoxo

So you must be one of the supposed 10% who like makes me feel better to read this...thankyou xx

ChloeFoster replied 4274 days ago

You like a Daniel ahahahaha. I'm gonna tell EVERYONE, Oh wait everyone is going to know by

You won't be telling him anything he doesn't already know.

ChloeFoster replied 4274 days ago

Actually Chloe, it's true that 90% of hoppers hate you so don't give me that sh*t, No one likes you so get it through your head. Stop thinking your so cool because you're not. Please stop being a tb sl*t. <3333

Whatever. Like I'm going to listen to someone that hasn't even got the guts to say it off anon.

ChloeFoster replied 4274 days ago