Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
A little button Nokia it was blue white and Gray
Invisvility, oh wait I think I already havev that...
No your a cutie face :3 xx
He really stinks he does big massive farts all the time it's scary he likes to poo a lot
Yes ^/.^
Your a beautiful caring person and anyone should feel grateful to have you in there life x
Brother. Cause I wasn't running for no one
Food Cx
My feet being tickled!
Loads of people. Because the all self centred snobby as* holes, who obviously don't give a crap about anyone's feelings but there own.. ;-;
Touch Ma p**** Cx
I don't know somewhere camping in a beach
Nice chick haven't seen you in a long time...I mean a loooong time. Your Beautiful ^/.^
Nah... Not at all
Eating half a family mean from Mc Donald's
Sounds like a 2014/2015 pickup line :"3
Might I remind you I'm 14
What's wrong with that? She can be a bit of a butt head to some people from time to time but really I just think she's giving what she's been receiving... I'm not the best of friends with her though Why you asking and who are you?
B-b-but You Where Mean To Me 3": :"D xxx
Okay Dylan You Can a Think That Cx
10000 bubbles
Pfft not loaning anyone nothing *serious face* :"3
I'm really rich... $0
To Be A Goldfish *blub blub*
Shadow Moses~bring me the horizon
Idk... My phone never really rings, think it's really plain tho :"D
Most stupidest question I've ever heard...
My Fifa Ball, Tv And Ipad c:
Ma fgt ;-; :3 ^_^/
I do ^/.^
Really really really pretty.. I'm jelly. Amazing miss how we use to b /:
Amazing!! Beautiful! Full of lyf and very easy for me to get along with :3 I miss u heaps **** head :p
Fgt sniffle butt
Someone who means the world to me ^/_^
A lot... (Personal) ;-; u.u
Amazing, beautiful, aren't friends like we once where unfortunatly but that's just life I guess ;-; I miss u heaps tho :3
My age n.n
Idk ;-;
Why would you create the question to ask you a question just to answer a question on why u created a question
Beautifuls perfect amazballs I miss you ..
Beautiful, very energetic amazing in every way
Idk dont even rememer what i have atm :'3
Night fgt face ;''''3 cya tmozery ;-; <3 xxx
Dylan!! <3
Ahh yeah!? Y u ask and who is this ;-;
Great chick awesome chats, **** licker :3 x
Butt hole hehe Cx :p
Haha I c what ya did there :p...idk
Go to bed...draw cry ;-;
Wuv u too :p :'3 x
Thiiiis much ^_^/
Uhh who is* u mean? Yeah Tim for shore...... ;-; not really but ya know
How my eyes change colour Cx
I go to bed at 9:30 then fall asleep when I can..idk
My family, friends, stacey Brie and Dylan <3 :*
A guy in one of my names but I have me reasons.. /:
A couple of dif band members <3
Luke,oliver and josh k...there like the only people i remember who still go there and arent complet as* holes
EW xx
Dylan sell
Um wot... That's nice :"3
Really nice out going confusing sometimes trouble maker. Miss her :'3
People coming up behind me o.o is sad t(-.-t) middle fingers up if u don't give a f*ck :'3
Brie, stacey and Dylan <3 x
For shore f** XD
I got caaandy
No.... Getting back with ur ex is like eating your own **** you enjoy ur meal while it lasted then u **** it out and never see it agin... And that's the same with ur ex ~Daniel Amos + I have my perfect somebody now :3 n.n
xD aha u funny thaing
Awh thank you :*
Amazing beautiful great to talk to can't. Can't wait till next term xx
Dylan! Andy, Austin...may know cause there all *exy and have amazing voices
Off a prostitute... Yeah
Awh love you too :'3 and yeah I miss talking as well..s*cks having nothing interesting left xx
Love you too ;3 xx
No I'm sorry xxx :"3
Stuffs ;-; .-.
Awh Sorry I love you f** xx x'D
Eww no! Who would love ;3 hehe jks xxx hell yeah you s*xy x'D
People people annoyed me...people r just so annoying..always... Food did to but I still love food just not people
Awh! :"3 love u too xC y u so cute!! C': Ugly people can lick my imaginary **** xx
2 :"3
There People Of Corse They Are Boring (*_*)/
But I still love her C'x BFF xx Hehe thanks gurl inbox meh!!
I love you too xxx <3 :'3
;-; BAHAHAAA TESTICLES 4 lyf bruz x Cx
Awh thank you :"3
No we broke up Monday :'( I mean like there is no way I could like kiss another girl. I support gays but I just couldn't do it.... Y dont u just inbox me?
Everyone who has spoken 2 me