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29 Replies

Y0u aRe beAutiFul n0 matTer whAt tHey Say!!!*

Thanx. U are AWESOME ;)

ChristoffBezuidenhout replied 4047 days ago

Ag jy's te oulikies bly so oulik en awesome j en love die lyf

Hahaha. Danki. Jy ook ;)

ChristoffBezuidenhout replied 4047 days ago

This is funny shi* lol some people like u some hate u hahahah wht did u do bokkie1

I really have NO idea! I think the people that hate me are just jelous of me or pissed because I don't like them the same way they like me. I mean I can only have 1 Gf, and I won't trade her for the world

ChristoffBezuidenhout replied 4048 days ago

Hey chtistoff ek ken jou ni ma jy lyk soos n awesome ouQ en baja se*y haha stay cool neh :*

Thanx hey. And u must stay awesome ;)

ChristoffBezuidenhout replied 4055 days ago

What's your weirdest experience ever???

If I tell u that then I'll die from embarrassment

ChristoffBezuidenhout replied 4055 days ago

Jys n awesome oky(;

Danki ;)

ChristoffBezuidenhout replied 4061 days ago

MEGAN was here:Dhaha:P stay se*y christoff;)

Thanx. Will do! ;P

ChristoffBezuidenhout replied 4063 days ago

I used to really like you but got friendzoned (by a guy)* f*** me right? :'). Anyway then I realised what a nerd u are hahahahaha! Great body though ;)

Hahaha. If that's what u think of me. U just need to get to know me a little better ;). But anyway I have never intentionally friendzoned anyone. I would really like to know who u are? BBM me

ChristoffBezuidenhout replied 4063 days ago

Don't listen to these anoying f***s christof... I"ve only talked to you once so I don't know you... But they have no right to treat you like shi* just because they're f***ed up... Screw them... You're awesome!!!

Thanx hey. Much appreciated

ChristoffBezuidenhout replied 4063 days ago

"Bro" ;) whaat a cuutie hahah

What u mean hahaha

ChristoffBezuidenhout replied 4063 days ago

Dnt eva let any 1 tell u tht ur stupid,ugly or anything tht just means your above them anyway!dnt know u well but ur cute!!

Thanx hey :D

ChristoffBezuidenhout replied 4063 days ago

I love the way people think they can just say anything on this qooh me shi* ..You don't know who i am christoff :P but we've spoken like once or twice on bbm don't let people like THAT get you down brother #staystrong xx

Thanx a lot bro. Much appreciated bro. ;)

ChristoffBezuidenhout replied 4063 days ago

Hey your awesome!!!!* :)

Thanx. U to. Even if I don't know who sent this hahahaha :P

ChristoffBezuidenhout replied 4063 days ago

Jy's so lelik, ek wens jy sal dood gaan :| ek haat jou en jou meisie jys n fok

Ek het my hele contact list wat daarmee sal stry. En moeni my proebeer ythaal omdat j n slegte self beeld heti

ChristoffBezuidenhout replied 4063 days ago

We never talk anymore every time I say hi it feels like I'm annoying you? :/

If I thought u were annoying me then I would have told u so. Y not talk now?

ChristoffBezuidenhout replied 4063 days ago