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I thnk so 2 bt.....
Ummmm chek my info on f.b.
Thanks 2 much:) :)
How ar u?
Oh 2 gud i dnt alow such ****s.....whoeva th **** bastard is.
On a serious not wats yo nam?!
Chek th top u'l c settings,click on it thn go 2 profil upload,thn folow intructions it's quite easy..hp thts clear.
Inlov! am takn by tht word..mmmm first u let me knw who u? Nd myb il wn am singl.
Dnt gt me rog..i lov my man 2 mch bt y do u hv 2 dat mule huh?? Am nt bn a hater am js sayn.
Is it hard fo u 2 spek it ot..oh i knw mule wl knw.gosh u stl th sm eh?!..
U hate me ka? I knw u alwaz do :-(
Il wait.
Try me wn am singl..nd gv ur details.thn myb
Lol..dnt mind! U tekcr uh..x
But stl...anywaz hp u 2 aint wastn yo tim.
I hv nava bin dumpd unfortunetly 2 gud..mary me who lied 2 u?? Sm question awe argh!!
No i dnt!! Y nt me??.knw i seriously hate u i fel lik am goin 3 yers bk..u nt fair.*tear drops*
It's js frekn shokn i cn't evn bliv my ears rit nw..anywaz u 2 hv cm a long way it's gud.
U ar th big deal..nd of cos i knew nthn.
Lol...of cos he wasn't,he js dint try harda en wasn't patient..
I rily dnt if i do eventualy he wud liv me 4 a much younga gal..y do u think big men go 4 younga galz?
Sm1 woz 18 is js 2 young 4 me il b turnin 18 en tht wudn't mk sense 4 me.We girlz grow much fasta thn guyz..wn i refer 2 my man i dnt min an old man,i min a maturd guy.
WTF!!?? Gosh fred ar u kidn me? Y dint u tl me?!
Ya wats wit u alwaz datn galz wit mulenga namz o is sh stl th sam 1? U such a liar thot u tod me u nt sein any1.
No i dnt! wat hv i dn? I havn't evn askt u any questions yet..
His my best actualy..his worth tokn 2.
Trust me much olda thn u.
Certainly not..nava eva
2 much
Thts fo my man 2 knw only.
Nic zazibar,gosh!! i lov tht plce..nd of cos wit my man<3<3
Rubish! As much as i lov hm thts as much as i cnt do it.gros!! Sori hone.
....nt rily
Thy ar cald secrets..i wud ratha nt evn tho i wud lik to.
I wonda woeva u'r en wher u got ths info frm..i knw he wud do anythn gud en cares a he desv alot bta aparently hs gn bk wokn in th u.k.i mis hm.
Thts hard..oky rit nw i realy wudn't giv a chanc 2 any of my exs.
I dnt ker wat pipo hv 2 say abt me..i hv my precious lif 2 liv..
I would be afraid if i dint hv God in am nt afraid of diein.
A yer nd 2 months nw..why do u wana knw so much??..gosh!
More thn i desev..i cudn't ask 4 a bta man.
Mmmm i wud thank God i found ot b4 it was tim up..
Let hr go sm1 gud is comin yo way..u 2 wer nava ment 2 b
Thts js 4 me en my bf 2 knw.sori
I cnt remaba.. :)
Uncountabl..i hv nava slept wit my b.f
Eish yes! Bt sn won't b.
Mmmmm..i nid 2 think.
Everithn my body has.
..hehehehe lol..i burn lik fire.eish RAMSIS's(rahib) babe christysis is js 2 hot..