Chucky lovey???
Lovey se chucky??
Gnj de duine se matic farewell tu
K glo so ?? hkm ??
Wat maak onz di 18de?
Whatever you wana do ? but i heard alcohol is involved ??
Chucky baby????
Yes love??
What do you wish your parents understood?
Dat hulle my meer zak moet gee vir hashies ????
Ek hoor jy maak so die manskap vas by die kines? Daais mosi cool nie?
Lap nai jy ?? isi ek nie is billa?? (ma spills) ??
Thoughts on Renichia?
Te oulik???
Was jy al ooit verlief
Who wana know??
Tea or coffee??
I'm kinda a tea guy????
Ha a ma k hoor di mane het n benaai'd comeback gemaak ??
Het jy vriendine by whs in whk? As jy het wie goed is dit? Is moet nicole neh?
? naai nicole wi ?
K ken net vir kay-leigh wat da is ??
K voel whs meisies is skaam vir chucky ???
Hoe was 40 days met jou matriek girls? ?
Hulle was net daso..? hulle almal isi pacers ni ?ma was nxa
What makes you genuinely happy?
Good times with the 2's?
What is your number one rule?
No snitches ?
Is jy happy met renichia?
Baie se baie?❤
Jy is lucky broe
Danki se :)?
What do you no longer waste time on?
Washing my white chuckz?
jy en renichia
Watch and see??
What popular thing doesn't appeal to you?
Views on chokers?
? it represents how good girls give BJ's
#honesty ?
Jys die man??? renichh
En jys di vrou?? ?
Vol van jouself? ?
Noiiti ? k se dan mnt ?
?? I'm whatever you want me 2 be ?☂
Do you know renicha
EKs chucky wi ken k nie? ??