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Be A btch,For Free xx

215 Replies

You are so annoying like omfg why are you seeking attention


Ciarax08 replied 3014 days ago

You're such a fcking *****! Why the fck would you go after other peoples boyfriend's? Like what the fck ****


Ciarax08 replied 3014 days ago

Shot for the nudes babygirl ?


Ciarax08 replied 3014 days ago 1

You seem a bit hung up on dante, tagging him in all your photos, it is kinda sad, especially because you ruined it

Ruined it my fcking ***** ??????Dante gave his number to her. So, that's cheating. He fcked it up first and I still forgave. U don't know the real reason why we broke up. So fck u

Ciarax08 replied 3014 days ago

You know I am right?? You are just a sad poor pathetic little hoe, even if you crawl back to him, he probably won't take you back, because you are one of the biggest ****s I know

U think I won go back ??he cheated on me.

Ciarax08 replied 3014 days ago

You are a fcking **** and one of the biggest hoes, you look like a fcken cow


Ciarax08 replied 3014 days ago

Why you lying, you wouldn't tag him in everything if u were over him, you still want him

Who? Dante? fck no. As far as I'm concerned, I don't want such in my life ??????

Ciarax08 replied 3014 days ago

I hope when you're head over heels in love with somebody and that person is your entire world that no girl would ever come and take him away from you like you do to all these girls

I'll pray for you Ciara.


Ciarax08 replied 3014 days ago

I hope when you're head over heels in love with somebody and that person is your entire world that no girl would ever come and take him away from you like you do to all these girls

I'll pray for you Ciara.

???????has it ever occurred to u, that your man is a lose bolt?

Ciarax08 replied 3014 days ago

I see I'm not the only one getting nudes of your ironing board body.

?????????unless your ironing board got a dent ????

Ciarax08 replied 3014 days ago

You fu*ken btch. You're a skank. A dirty *****. I see you in school looking like you don't know what a shower is. I walked past you and yoh I almost vomited


Ciarax08 replied 3014 days ago

Hey there.
I need lessons on how to be a hoe.
Heard you the biggest one around here


Ciarax08 replied 3014 days ago

If you could reach into any movie and pull something out, what would you take?

???????????u don't wanna know. I would pull out Christian Grey ????

Ciarax08 replied 3020 days ago 1

What are you looking forward to in 2017?


Ciarax08 replied 3033 days ago

People Qooh you more about this Dante ..... he should just get Qooh tbh??? sovengounder7


Ciarax08 replied 3033 days ago