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My teachers from Primary school :(
I'm scared of losing and I'm scared of killing the ones I love...
Somewhere in Japan
Default because I seriously can't be stuffed to edit it
Either a flute, an elctronic keyboard or my laptop...
I don't actually take showers in morning, I take them at night because when I do that it makes me feel sleepy and it makes me sleep better. If I had a shower in the morning I would probably be sleeping at school...
Food and anime... And sleep
That I'm an "annoying nerd" -_- I'm actually not that smart
Idk, being ok...
Why was I created.
My house... With everything in it.
I punch or stab myself in various places like my head, hands, legs and torso a few times and not talk for the entire day. It's pretty much the same thing for being stressed as well
I have common sense
I don't know... Sleepy yet excited?
I broke my own heart into pieces. I smashed them so that no one could ever pick it up again. I had to, I just couldn't fall in love with him, otherwise I would regret it...
I used to have insomnia and now I sleep an irregular pattern. Heck, I even fell asleep while reading my Chinese essay standing up! I think I sat down kn the bed and slept like that. I also slept last night half way through finelining and inking my drawings - I woke up at 12:41am because I kicked the pencil case onto the ground and all the pencils fell out! Otherwise I used to sleep at 10 or 11.
Who? You mean Anime?
Bullies, bystanders who does nothing when this happens, pressure, homework, school, deadlines. On other words - life.
Now, where's that baseball bat that I hid in my room... Oh look, it's metal. What does that mean? Btw witch is which bro. I'm actually trying to get rid of people trying to cling to me, do you want friends instead? Cause they're not on sale unfortunately. Maybe come back another day? Also how am I gay when I'm a girl? Society logics? I don't really have anything apart from cookies. YOU HATE COOKIES?! WELL SIR, YOU'VE COME TO THE WRONG NEIGHBOURHOOD.
When the teacher comes behind your back when your just on iPad checking wattpad.
Happiness... Because it never existed anyway.
Probably... How about lets take that gun away first? Guns are extremely dangerous .-. Lemme make a few clones of myself and save em all. Excuse me.
Money can't buy love but money can buy icecream so that's like the same thing
I've forgotten how to dream. Insomnia.
Everything - especially when my mum made me do all the chores possible around the house when I finished swimming, finished a science test and was about to do my homework. That really freaking annoyed the daylight livings out of me. I'm so pissed off at everything -_- and the worse part? I DON'T GET PAID ENOUGH TO DO DIS. #I'mSleepy ;(
Two words: The f*** -_- I'm still underage thank you very much, never gave it a thought
Many people. Many people that I don't want to hurt.
I'm not really interested in any relationship right now but pretend we did then it would have to depend. I'm really careful with these stuff so I'll probably judge on 1. Whether you're serious or not 2. How much I actually know you and 3. If you're already in a relationship or not. But yeah, like I mentioned earlier, I'm not interested in a relationship but yeah. :)
Brutal thing is I can live on even without anyone... Instead what dies is the inside of me - I probably will be dead mentally if any of my friends and or family dies But I think it's important if you keep on living for them, otherwise it'll fall into the ripple effect where you die, someone dies because of grief and sadness. I don't want that to happen. Sorry if I took this too literate.
Maybe lol
Never Too Late by Three Days Grace
Everything that I hear is either half retarded or fully retarded.
The ability to teleport or the ability to have make free wi-fi happen everywhere or the ability to make food rain.
...Sleeping , eating, listening to music, watching anime and reading manga. My life in a nutshell.
Not interesting in a romance relationship.