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Pot is a gift from god .(;
last night over a romance movie aha I'm such a s*cker for those movies
my favorite thing to ride is brad ;)
there in the past for a reason :)
smoke it up everyday :D oh wait...(;
Why Bradley of course I would defs go crazy without him
IPhone & straightener from my baby ,money purfume and a bunch of other cool stuff ;*
my mom , my brad and my Chloe :)
What is attractive about you?
Pokemon ;)
Too long !;) lmaoo im kidding no me and bookie have been going 7 and a half months strong
I don't have friends lol ?
my boyfriend loves me a lot actually I'm his best friend too . all I need is him I have my family . and I have a few close friends. that all I could ever ask for if I ever lose him .. I'll be devastated obviously but I'll keep living my life and keep moving towards the future.. :) but yeahhhh!
losing Bradley .:$
calm down you perv
nothing about Bradley <3 he's perfect :* everyone else is a turn off tbh he's all I see I love him and I don't care I just love him thats all I know:$
lol I dont.
reality television star #bigbrothercanada
Bradley :* & my family of course
lol thank you #blessed ;)
we should ... how bout no !! I'm in a relationship & I have morals and self respect :) k "baby doll"
your more beautiful baby:*
Message me annon :)
I'm a one man wolf pack all I need is my bae and my chron don :) and I'm set
My Bestfriend would be Brad ! hes the only friend I need because he makes me the happiest girl in the world &noone else matters except my famm :)
The brad kind <3
No regrets just love :*
well my boyfriend bought me us a new smoking device :) soo that's pretty cool
Yeahhh ... I take showers ;) lol
honestly every single thing about him he's my rock ... hes my heart and soul:$
brannndon able was the biggest one :p lol but that's about it :)
want to not be such a ****ing creep?
hmmmm eh?
inbox me then anon(': don't be shy
Bradley :*:*
LOLOLOLOL I don't do head.
Girlie ! I haven't seen you In forever your such a cutie !:) we used to be locker buddies forever ago your a really nice girl and your stunning ..kinda jealous share :') we should get together sometime inbox me miss you :)
he's a chill guy (: we haven't talked in a while but yeah hes super jokes :)
Virgin Mary right here dawwg
lol ummm.. you don't have to go to secondary school to find happiness I want to find a job I really like and make a decent amount of money to go to school when I am ready .. why would I waste thousands of dollars to go to school when I'm not even sure what career I see myself in yet so I don't want to waste money and drop out if I'm not ready I'm going at my own speed
anything that gives me good vibes and happiness , sure I didn't rush right into post secondary but I wasn't even ready and that's okay because I'm still searching for the one thing I love to do but other then all that ... win big brother :')
awwwh juilas such a sweet girl she's super beautiful and shes really funny I miss that bissh ;* and she's my sisters good friend
because I have no idea who you are when you go on anon
Game of throness for sure :D !!
noooo doubbbbbt -.-
but they are knock offs ;) #sorrynotsorry
people change , I changed and we all drifted .. i don't know it was good times but I'm happy with my life now
idk why am I ??:)
mean people are mean (Y)
lololol your probably right annon :')
how bouuut noo (; ??
Oh Annon :') that's cuteee...
I miss my meatball Monday , jersey shore loving son of a ***** of a cousin (;
people definitely underestimate my intelligence and people that think I'm like a megaa bitttch :)