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Hahhahaha ! I think there's somethin in YOUR eye ;) ;) ;)
I do try.. Don't be mean to me ;)
It was adorable <3 xx haha I didn't munch it until I read this, and decided it would be a cute idea ;) hah but don't worry, won't show anyone mister :P xx you the cutest. Ever.
Better than 2nds ..
Uhhm okay ? Haha. Nobody. Well at the moment anyway :)
Yooou change it :)
Tell me who you are and maybe it'll change :)
LOVE YOU EM :) today was fun. You're too beautiful. Xx
Ahhhhwh I miss you also :D . Definitely plans. 25th (y) wouldn't be anywhere else ;)
You do realise having my babies is pretty much impossible seeing as I'm a girl, and you're most probably a guy .. :)
Thank you mister mister :) its cool though, everyone is entitled to their own opinion of me - whether they want to share it anonymously or to my face :) haha.. I can't remember the word you made up to mix awesome and cute together. /: - its probably a good thing though ! It was the worst word I've ever heard x_x hahaha xx thanks for making me feel better :)
LAUREN BRADFIELD <3 you are beautiful. Thank you. THIS made my night :) you are truly the best. I love you forever my girl. Xxx
Jaaaaaayms :D I've missed you too x
I\'m reallly not a ****. Not even close..
Well I don't know who you are :) ... If I did, I'd be able to tell you.
lOvE iT sOoOo fRikkEn MuCh :D HaHaHaHaHaHah**
"Plaited" you idiot. You are pretty cool yourself :P
Ha :) not at all. I'm just nice to people.. Not my fault if people take it the wrong way. - I do try to avoid people taking me the wrong way though :)
Not telling you who they are :) not a chance
What reasons ? :)
I would never :D
Ahhhhhhwh <3 mwuh. You such a stunner yourself miss ! There was indeed ;) - but only later. Speak soon okay ? Xxx
Knowing who you are might make it a bit easier to say yes ;) haha
Thank you xx
Stop lying to yourself :P you are nowhere near as cool as me cos iamasupercoolninjakidwhoisfartoawesomeforanyoneelseandwaaytoocooltouseaspacebar ;D ha. You're just a dyslexic retard. So stop trying ;)
I wouldn't know :)
Yes :) but it was a lie and they know it xD
"Claire" :| nobody calls me that ! Haha, if you're referring to the night I stayed up all night baking-no, I didn't bake cookies :( my apologies xx
If I knew who you are, I'd probably be able to tell you. Haha, but I don't really want a boyfriend at the moment anyway :)
I wish I could show off who you are :) this is probably the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me ! Haha wish I never promised not to say your name and that these damn questions weren't only 240 characters-i want to know the rest :D x I definitely smiled. Thank you for making my week mister xx ( bbm hug )
There are maybe 2 guys I never got to have a proper relationship with because things got complicated or feelings weren't told to one another :) but there's no actual boyfriend I'd go back to ..
I've told people over and over again, I don't discuss stuff like that :)
Haha you stole the way I spell it ;) . Oh and you owe me salty crax :D
thank you ?
? ? ?
No one :)
I'm sorry about that, I hope we get it back :)
Thank you :)
Haha I'm very curious as to who you are and what would make you assume that :) ?
No I knew I wouldn\'t have to. And the fact that I am alive shows that liverpool is not better than manu. :P s*ck IT.
Come now, I thought I knew you better.. Don't lie. Its a sin. You will burn in hell if you do sins. :) and we all know that's a lie. So just apologise and we can all move on. Manu is way better. :D
ahhhwh thanks stranger :) x
Love you tooo Sutton :D
Ahhh please. I don't have time for this. Even if it did happen, calitz wouldn't stoop that low. If you honestly believe it talk to me without hiding behind an anonymous question.. :) like really, I'm a girl. What you scared of ? I'd prefer if you weren't two faced. Shot.
/: that has never happened on or off a recording. So clearly that's a rumour.. The things people believe are actually pathetic.
I don't have a problem with being friends with any guy it didn't work out with. You just can't expect me to run after you for a friendship. Cos some people don't want to be friends after being together fails and I'm not gonna force. Maybe make some effort and you'd realise that I'm really not different to how we used to be at all. :)
Well you wouldn't know that unless I've actually said it :) and I'm pretty sure I haven't said it to anyone...
Who I do and don't hook up with isn't really anyone else's business. :) sorry x
No I'm pretty sure I know who you are :) mister "go on Qoohme" haha x
I miss most of all the friendships I've lost. :) I think the saddest ones are the ones that are lost cos one person wanted more than a friendship.. I like having close guy friends, and its a pitty when I'm taken the wrong way. :) x
One that's pretty amazing :)
Quite often actually :)
I'm not quite sure what you're referring to ? :) I haven't even spoken to jords for a while..
I never break promises. :) if you feel like there's something between us, that's upsetting you, maybe you should talk to me about it, and we can clear it up :)
Excuse me ? /: tell that to Belle! And Rapanzel becomes brunette and the end of the movie! Pffft. Someone doesn't know their princesses. Oh. And Kate Middleton is also a princess. So just go buy me princess sweets already you dyslexic kid! :P
Well, there's a group of about 5 guys that I trust the most-related and non related.
The first one that comes to mind is The Reason :) there's a lot of songs that people have played for me that mean a lot to me though.. Just have a horrible memory! Ha..
Of course! Only for yooou :D
Nothing specific :) just a kind heart, a nice smile and *exy hair... Oh and ticklish boys are my favourite <3
Haha I came to terms with this long ago :P thanks for the reminder though (y)
I really don't :) I'm just nice to people, and its not my fault if they take it the wrong way..
For like the third time, yes :)
Not gonna talk anyone down.. :)
Haha I don't think you should be using words you don't know the definitions of, because if you did, you wouldn't be labelling me that :)
Because he hasn't asked me yet ;)
Haha ahhhwh. I'm really not. But thank you. :)
Haha don't even know where you got that from... :)
Hahahah! Its funny what stories people make up when they're bored...
Ahh shuttup ok :P that's embarrassing :$ x
Ahh. Excuse me ? I AM clever :P haha and I really do. We will probably end up arguing this until we die aswell ;) guaranteed.x
YOU.:D Haha yes, I do know who you are ;)
Ahh my lesbian :) I miss you very much. Ditch school with me on friday ? I'm thinking beach ? Yes. K deal :D I love you toooo pretty girl <3
Haha this right here is the best question asked! :P
I am yes :)
I like her barney hugs ;)
Haha I know you do ;)
Indeeed :)
The coolest person on this planet :D even when she's rude sometimes xD love you missy <3
Yes :D if they mean something to you :P hahaha
Hahahah thank you :D :D
Waaaaaaay more ;)
No, not at all :) haha I think they shouldve just treated me right in the first place and they wouldn't be upset now when I'm over putting in effort for someone who is ungrateful :) *
Yeh, totally. As much as I like being lied to and cheated on :)
No I have not :)
Yoh :) uhmmm. I can't really answer that cos I have so many people important to me. But probably my best friend cos I spend all my time with her :) she makes me laugh all the time. I'd miss our silly laughs.
Honestly, I can't give you just two names. I have a lot of special friends close to my heart :)
Hahah! No! People should just stop claiming my stuff :P
Robin xD
What makes you so certain that just cos we were stuck in a room together, something would happen ? ;D
I'm sure I already answered that question :)
Haha that's not even a question :P
Haha :) This question can't count because I don't eat anything on toast without butter xD
A boy .. (:
Its not so bad :) I'd definately go to pearson or collegiate if I did end up moving though
Haha no ? /: I\'d have to be a man to be a man ***** for starters ;)
The one person who is always there for me. :)
I'll think about it ;)
It's a secret ;)