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I want the person I love to come home.
What kind of f u c k e d question is that?
4 or more
Maybe I dunno to be honest. Don't care about anything or what happens tbh
I aren't even gonna go there Yes I hate her and I'm sure she hates me but we both know we are old enough to sort it out like normal people should. I love Sarah no matter what and she knows that. But no it's not happening. Stop trying to cause ****.
My little brother
Haha id laugh and cry
Well I actually have a job and I have been working. I don't need to spend time with her 24/7 We go to school together I see her enough at school. I do have another friends just not alley. My life doesn't have to be about alley all the time. I haven't been seeing no friends but my boy and it's going to be that way for now on because I'm getting more shifts and I'm saving for my hair dressing courses. If people don't like that tough luck I have my own life to worry about too not others
Bash her your self if your so worried. I would have if I didn't have people holding me back. Why should I waste my time on a low life trouble maker.
Bf a present
Nothing it's all f u c k ed enough as it is
Love him so much!
See ya dumb fûckers Ya know nothing ha
Is this Sarah or chole if I was you shut your mouth okay. I have been told yous have been running me down as well is that true? And I haven't pushed her away thank you very much I go to school with her I will see her every day and I've been in Adelaide at the hospital and ****. I spend the weekend with Sarah because it was the first time me and Sarah have seen each other since we had the fight. How bout you worry about your own life's not me and my friendship. If your so worried about alley having friends when are you ever with her? Alley and Sarah get along together perfectly fine no reason why we can't all chill together. Worry about your self and your friends If this is who I think it is your never with alley. Just shut ya mouths They both my bestfriends.
Love you too xxx Who is this btw?
I dunno I don't think I am but thank you xxx
Your my fav you make me laugh just love ya We piss each other off so much. We have our drunk remembers never will forget haha xxx just everything I love ya xxx
Nothing I love her xxx
Why do you even care who I am friends with? She been my bestfriend for 2-3 years yes we had fights and we just got over out biggest one all started because of someone else. And she trusts me with everything she tells me everything who of all her friends I know everything she has done good and bad. But I don't care what she done I forgive people when I think it's time too.
Love ya alley thank you xx :(
Grass Milk Nuts Soy beans I aren't highly I can still have them I'll just get hay fever for a week or so
Juma Sarah Alley Just love them
Heard* And depends if she likes you or not and depends who you are?
Last night because I been sick and in pain
Can I tickle your mums?
Going back to school and still going Idk
Prob Alley x
Can you lick my c o c k first?
Only exit D i c k h e a d
60kg :(
My nan having a heart attack and dieing in front of me...
Not the only one Sam smith
Ya c o c k was that small didn't feel a thing so nah I don't remember ya c o c k s u c k e r
$130 $40 credit iPhone Grog Clothes CHOCLATE!!! New undies (so comfortable) And bras Nail polish Knew hair dyer Bag
My family
smileee Asss Eyesss
No but I'll s*ck ya mum bby
have dad around. now im nothing
No ones perfect but thanks ♥♥
of course xxxx
My family, boyfriend and Alley
Nothing ill let her be a drug **** and ruin her life more than it already is.
I really couldn't careless anymore tbh
hair dressing/ beauty/ body piercer
why because I don't judge people for what they do with their lifes! what did she do?
Sarah and Alley why because they mad as! no shame! I love everything about them!
I love you too??
why because she aren't like others shes unique and I love her the way she is! She my best friend.
Your pretty as! Your so good to be around stuff what other people have to say. Hates gonna hate your beauitful I love you xxxx
My babe I love you but im sorry to say my foot long is more tasty ;) xxx