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205 Replies

Who do you miss thats not in your life anymore

No one tbh

Claudzz99 replied 2467 days ago 1

You are an inspiration and I love you
Thanks for not letting these useless people come between us. I got your back❤️ Bee543

You are even more of an inspiration and I love you with my whole heart❤️ Don't worry those useless people who are so interested in our lives and have so much time to involve themselves into it are so irrelevant and they will never break us apart ❤️ Something they unfortunately don't understand??? I'm always here for you bro ❤ no matter what❤

Claudzz99 replied 2648 days ago 1

can i have your phone number!!? j2425


Claudzz99 replied 2649 days ago 1

What did your last relationship teach you?

To stay away from clingy people ?

Claudzz99 replied 2650 days ago 1

Do you watch game of thrones?


Claudzz99 replied 2650 days ago 1

Am I your bae????❤
I miss you so much my girl?❤ Jordieshore

I miss you more chop??❤️

Claudzz99 replied 2658 days ago 1

Would you give a footjob because you hve amazing feet?

Wtf? That's gross, feet are disgusting ??‍♀️

Claudzz99 replied 2667 days ago 1

You have such a big A$$ and its amazing

My bae thinks so too

Claudzz99 replied 2667 days ago

I love you. And your voice. And your hair. I love everything about you. And we need to make a call???

Bestie ?????? I love you too and your voice and everything about you ? You are such an amazing person and I can't wait to visit you ??? we really do ????

Claudzz99 replied 2667 days ago

I miss you can I dm you


Claudzz99 replied 2667 days ago

Hi I was wondering if you can sing .... And if so i need yr audio :)

Yea I guess I can?

Claudzz99 replied 2678 days ago 1

What happend to your tummy??

Operation ?

Claudzz99 replied 2678 days ago 1

I don't know if this has been asked already but I just wanted to know what happened or how you got your belly scar?
No hate just love ? I think you're a great inspiration because you show people to be proud of what they have and to love themselves.

Hey ?
Well When I was 10 I got diagnosed with crohns disease which was very rare as it is mainly diagnosed to people over the age of 30, so then I was put on medication which made me gain weight. Everyone started to bully me about my weight, so I stopped taking my medication which led to the inflammation of my intestine's. my intestine's then was filled with ulcers and the doctors had to cut outs 25 cm of this leaving me with a big scar on my stomach.
Thank you so much, I didn't think that I could ever be an inspiration to someone. You are so sweet? Love you.

Claudzz99 replied 2679 days ago 1

Whats your youtube channels name
I want to subscribe

You'll cringe so bad lol, it's Claudia Pereira

Claudzz99 replied 2680 days ago 1

Brag about yourself. What are you really good at doing?

I can eat a whole pizza by myself

Claudzz99 replied 2680 days ago 1