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Yep lol
Not really I just don't see the harm in them revealing who they are , like they can say it In the first place why can't they say it again, to see if there balls are in tact
I don't need to deal with it cause your an anon and your a joke
Thank you for narrowing down who it is
Because u can't even tell me who you are , like honestly do u think I'm going to care what some anonymous prick has to say, maybe confront me about it and prove your not a f***ing joke
Ha lol shhhhutupppp you f***ing gutless Pu**y
Everything you post is gay and immature
Okay sure, while your at it, reveal your identity and have some balls and say it to me
You call me stupid but that is actually f***kng embarras*ing
How am I seedy coming from the person who is trying to say what I am when ur f***ing anonymous
Teachers certainly do
How about f*** off?
Your the f***ing stupid one , you don\'t make sense , f*** why not just inbox me the Link u shi*****
Can't watch it inbox me it
You are* and literally * learn how to spell before you even try and call me stupid
Well I f***ing didn't , and if you have a problem why not inbox me personally or inbox her yourself , considering we still even talk proves a point shut up you Pu**y
Wtf lol I didn't even
Oh no shame u can't say this to my face , shows how f***ing sick u are, Pu**y