Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
How to create the best future for myself and my family.
The loss of my grandfathers.
Thankfully they got the hint before we got married but I hadn't noticed it until now!! Haha!
As many as I can possibly have!
2% >.<
Kyle and I driving in our car with our dogs, Screaming songs at the top of our lungs.. ❤
After finding out some news a little while ago, So fcking relived. Oh my lord.
The fact there is only one thing that can calm me down entirely and the only person who can help with it is busy a lot. I hate that I am so dependant on her.
I don't know..?
That's a point that could be extensively argued.
That once a year you could chose one message to be able to track back to a person.
A not very nice one..
Many things. Mainly being sick. I have so many important appointments in the next few weeks that being sick is very inconvenient. As well as planning I have to do for a few major events, I need all the energy I can get.
This was actually really hard.. Right now, The wedding.
Venice, Hands down!
Ahaha, What? This is the single oddest question I have ever been asked..
We have money. We are not as stable as we were a few weeks ago but we are managing and that is all that matters!
I don't know, You tell me?
... Last Thursday out of frustration.
Have you looked in the mirror?! You are so fricken pretty its unbelievable!! Lots of love!! Xoxo
That is the hardest thing to answer! Poppy will always be my baby so, Poppy :3
Fake friends and fake people.
Defeating that evil monster that plagued my body..
Drive. I would drive everywhere and take photos of everything
My family, Kyle and my dogs. I couldn't go a week without them!
My friend dying. Messaged her this morning to double check it was a dream..
We are happy :) Its kinda hard to delete people though when you dont know who is saying what. Xo
Thank you xo
I'll let him know! Haha!
Last time I checked, Mine. Although he is slowly catching up XD
Hahah! Give me 10 years, Ill save up for one!
I love you xox Yes we do! Now the other half is mvoing down we can go on a double date every week ❤
Love you too xo
So many! Grand Piano has to be one!
That I love him? That he loves me? That my 'gambler' of a boyfriend has not touched a cent of the money we have to use it on his PAST addiction. That my 'alcoholic' of a boyfriend has NOT had more than one drink at a time since we have been together. That my 'fat' boyfriend plays more sports than any of my friends put together. So. What the **** are you thinking? Are seriously going to sit there behind a keyboard and try and tell me who I'm dating? Like your some all-knowing person who feels the need to but into people's life? IF you were my friend, You would express your concerns to my face. Which obviously you are not. Which leads me to believe you were involved or linked to his last relationship. In which case, You need to let the **** go. If you havent noticed, That relationship is over. Which means your involvement in his life, Is over. So in no way do you get any say in who he is or who he gets to date. You DEFINITELY do not have a say on who I date. So, If you have nothing better to do with your pathetic life that to come on here and tell me how my boyfriend is a 'fat alcoholic gambler', Then you better reassess your goals in life.
Haha, Nope!
Uhh.. No clue?
Breathing preferably !
The death of someone close to me. That **** gives me nightmares.
... Chicken Pie!
Music, Photography and my family :)
Haha, Wow! No plans for that any time soon!
Uhh.. No clue.
I exited school a few months ago :( Wish I was well enough to come and see you guys celebrate but I had gastro :(
I am currently studying my Diploma or Photography online. With my health issues, I can't come back :( Sorry!
Ahahahahaha!! This is a dangerous fricken question!! I'm definitely both a Mummy and Daddy's girl!
Not one bit! I don't think he's creepy in any way! He's fantastic :3
My boyfriend :3
No. One of the reasons I left Ryan is because for 3 years I tried my hardest to help him with his mental issues. I got him medical help and mental help hich each time he would stop going or taking the medication prescribed to him. No one can help him but himself and all his family and friends have tried. After yesterday, I will no longer be speaking to Ryan for my own personal reasons. His family, on the other hand, are keeping me in the loop so I can keep friends informed. His little brother is still my brother and his family and I have no hard feelings at all about Ryan and I's relationship ending. What Ryan did or will do is out of my hands, he is in control, no one else.
Play battlefield online and shoot the hell out of people!!
He's getting better.
Yes. By The Walking Dead Game. **** 'em.
I know, But people are stupid.
That I love him. I don't give a **** who you are, What you think you know and who he was when you knew him. There are only about 3 people that i know of that are still close to Kyle and speak to him often and they have ALL said that in the last 10 months, Kyle has changed a significant amount. He doesn't drink daily, its cut down to one or two at cricket and one while watching footy with his family. He goes to the TAB less than once a week, and spends less than $20, which if he loses he laughs to me about and tells me how he was 'going to choose the other one". He makes me laugh constantly and always has a way of turning the smallest thing into a way to get me to laugh. He knows when to be respectful and serious but also he knows when i need to be cheered up. His mother has said many times that before a few weeks ago, she hadn't seen him smile in a LONG time and my mother told him the same thing about me. We have our days when we just cant win and we may have a nip at each other but we NEVER go to sleep mad. Purely because neither of us are able to sleep until we have resolved it. Sure, He has his flaws but so do I. The ***** saying all this **** certainly isn't perfect if she feels the need to try and pull my relationship with him apart so she has no right to say what she has been. Shes either jealous or spiteful and neither Kyle or I need people in our lives like that. So please, continue to speak ****. It just allows us to have something else to laugh about while we are eating dinner.
Nope. Just minus a absolute ***** in his life and replace her with someone who doesn't boss him around, who allows him to see his friends, who respects him and loves him. Oh, Yes and *ex.
For music? Apple. For mobile phones? Samsung.
This is the hardest question ever. I can't even try and choose between these two!
Cigarette smoke.
Because they have nothing better to do with their day.
Yes, Because his little act to make me laugh by yelling at the cars after a bad day was a withdrawal symptom. Clap Clap, *****.
No I'm not! I keep my heart in the preservation jar in the cupboard..
My stomach and My health.
Originally? Over the Rainbow from The Wizard of Oz. But I really like The Wizard of Ahhhs by Todrick Hall ft. Penatonix. :)
Yeah, a few.
I know?
Well, I've known Kyle for 4 years and he's a hell of a lot different than he was 10 months ago. Less stressed, Less angry, He's happier, He doesn't drink more than 2 beers when he does want a drink rather than a full slab, He's cut down to 1 mother a day, He spends $20 a week max at the TAB. So when he was around you, Sure you may of thought he was a 'serial gambler' but you know what? ****ty people make good people do ****ty things.
Oh okay :)
Nothing. My past has made me what I am today, Good or bad.
Yes, but we have our moments.
... Are you blind?
Best..He makes me feel safe, He makes me laugh and the way he looks at me just melts me like butter. Worst? Uhh.. The snoring, Hands down. That's it really :)
Did you come say hello?! :)
Right now? My mother. But my boyfriend comes in a close second.
I have 3. My grandmother's diamond ring, My Thomas Sabo dragon luck pendant and my great dane.
As good as it can be right now. Still cancer free but I will continue to have side effects of the chemo for a year or so more :)
7 or 8. Some really good ones and some mediocre. But both hurt to lose.
Not for a while, No.
For everything to just calm down. And for a few people to disappear.
Uhh. I think it was a zombie invasion.
Chilli Con Carne with Cornbread, Rocky Road milkshakes, K-Pop and Country music and playing too much walking dead..
Absolutely terrible right now to be honest.
Of course :)