Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
He’s super cool?
Oh shtttt!!!
Yes dude we should, message me and we’ll make plans 😌
Ek sal ń slukkie van jou dop hê 😂❤️
Come visit
Dm me ❤️
Sitting in Afrikaans doing maths homework Due for the next period 😌❤️
Dm me? 🙈
Dm me!
I don’t usually forget people ❤️
I believe In actions rather than words
In essence, I’ll believe it when I see it 😌
I dunno if you’ve got the wrong person but my ex doesn’t go to Nicci, I genuinely don’t know who you are talking about?
I’m actually quite confused?
Please dm me ❤️
I try to be, thank you so much and please dm me ❤️
Oh my gosh ❤️
This really means a lot to me, when you do feel like you can tell me who you are please do ❤️
We’re not, I miss her
But if my presence isn’t missed when I’m not around Then it never really mattered when I was around 💕
You are so sweet thank you!
I can be difficult at times and I’m definitely not perfect but thank you
Please dm me ❤️
Aww thank you my angel ❤️
Awww this is cute thank you ❤️
Aww thank you
This is actually really nice after the previous two
Please dm me ❤️
Pretty much 😂
- I need to lose weight 😂❤️
Um no thanks
Aww thank you my angel ❤️
Please please dm me, this is actually really sweet 💕
Myself I guess?
Aww thank you man ❤️
Please dm me ❤️
No, not really
No but yes
I guess?
Um okay...
Thanks I guess ?❤️
You should come to one sometime
I’ll change your mind ?❤️
No I don’t ?❤️
Thank you ?
Dm me please
Benoni high ?
Well thank you very much ?
Please dm me ?
Thank you, it’s called lots of McDonald’s and long naps ?❤️
Well thank you angel ?
Aww your so sweet
This made my day
Please dm me ❤️
Thank you so much
Please dm me ?
Well thank you
Please dm me ?
Dm me angel ❤️
Dm me ?
Thanks I guess ?
I don’t know ??
Thank you man
Please dm me
Aww this is the nicest thing anyone had said to me in a very long time?
Thank you so much it really means a lot
Please dm me ❤️
Yes I am ?
Thank you
Dm me ?
Thank you man ?
Please dm me
Sure dm me ?
Yes, I’m still upset
shts not easy man
I don’t even know?
Probably Jenna and Natasha
Well thanks ?❤️
I’ve also got a personality though ?❤️
Dm me please
Still dm me or come talk to me please ❤️
Please come talk to me
Or dm me, I’m need new people in my life and I promise I’m really nice ❤️?
A very long time ago
Whatsssss upppp hoeeee ??
I love you too mannn ?
At the window on the left ??
Eh this made me laugh, dm me ?❤️
So I have many best friends
But Chant’e is my life right now
And Paige is everything I could ever ask for in a human being
And Chloe is my girl
I love them all so much ❤️
English please?
Well thank you, dm me ??
Ayy you make me laugh ?
Lol that boy i love him to bits
Hes so cool and i could jol with him forever?❤
Well thank you?
But you know i have eyes that can be looked at too??
Dm me?
I'm vibing with myself thank you very much?
Dm me
We will talk❤
Awww thank you hun
Dm me
And i miss you too❤❤
My jolling buddy❤❤❤
I love you more and i can't wait to jol with you this weekend ?
Dm me?
Hahaha, she was never a psycho
Just a protective sister ???
Yea yea ???
Thanks my wanna be ??
No we are not??
That's for me to know and you to find out ??dm me
Dm me hun?
And ready to mingle??
Awww thanks❤
Paigeie I miss you more and your seeing me tomorrow?❤
Great thanks ?
And how about you?
What a cool dude, he's so much fun and always gets the party started☺❤
Miss him gang
He also has good hair ??❤
I'd have like 20 idk???
I don't know
Can you be more specific on which outing and when???
No ?
I don't smoke ?
Yes, what a terrible adventure?
But the food was good so it was worth it ??
Jadin Lee
Shes my Bishh
I love her with all my heart
And she is such a nice girl
A little crazy but aren't we all??
Thank you so much
This means alot
Please pm me ☺?
Thanks hun, dm me?❤
Aww thanks please pm me❤❤
Jadin Lee
My best friend?☺
Pm me ??
Thank you
Pm me ❤
Aww thank you hun ❤
Thank you pm me please❤
Aww thanks ❤❤
Gee thanks for having faith in me ??
But anyway thanks bro ❤pm me please❤
Aww thanks bro, please pm me ❤
Aww boy you made my day?❤