Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
If you message me I will talk to you!
That is very cool. Is it good so far? :)
Idk anymore
I don't do these top whatever's anymore
I'm so over that place, tbh inbox me
year 8, camryn, year 9, paige
7 - Alysha 9 - names? 10 - Georgina 11 - Rhi
Dream job, is the one where you get paid to eat. har har har.
Hayley Fisher, is a wonderful person. Shes a good friend, and has a fantastic smile :)
I don't really think about that anymore.
The ability to love
I'm okay, I'm having fun with all my friends but I miss my ex
12 years
The plan changed from England I hear it's not as nice as I hoped it to be, although I've forgotten when I was going to go!
who was what?
I'm not crying, and I will always smile because it happened, my feelings haven't changed. I love her.
it'd have to be when Lauren and I were talking about a bad hair cut #1975 lel
facebook me, so we can talk :)
Sorry, I dont have credit alot of the time :c
Hour or so
I hate choosing people :'( they are all amazing ask me something else? </3
No order js. Girls - Em, Chloe, Leish, rhi, loz (she's new but we good) Guys - zack, dan, Ollie, quan, keegs
Awh inbox me!!!!
Zack, dan, em, leish, olly
Begging of what?
I'm a pretty open person
Who am I keeping in touch with?
Yeh it'll be a nice change, although I have something's to sort out before I leave :)
I'm fine.
Falling in love, it literally is the best thing ever.
yeh i do
dont have one.
Havnt been there since last year
I dont favor
on a trampoline.
put it away, and continue my life how it is.
A very special person, that I love dearly.
right now the only person that will sit for hours and listen to me complain, and try her best to cheer me up.
**** happens.
my ex
Not anymore
Closest Friends, Girls: Chloe, Rhi, Alycia, Cam, Em Guys: Ethan, Dan, Zack
Don't really have one.
everyone has been equally amazing
trying :)
im algood :) thankyou!
delete me?
thanks anon would be great if i knew who you were but :')
Dont get me started on the stress, its been horrible, haha
I thought you were being sarcastic is all. :') It's been a tuff week for me, so thats just why I thought you were being sarcastic haha
hahahahaha, sorry ill smile more :)
I dont really like food.
There is indeed a reason for everything, like the reason i'm coping is because of the people that are just doing there best to be there, and listen to me.
I wish
**** happens
The amount of people that have been there for me, when I needed someone the most.
because im over trusting people
I prefer not to have to trust people
I don't go to school anymore, anyway I couldn't say
I don't favor either
I honestly dont know the craziest, but one time I held and electric fence just so I could zap people that walked past me.
I'm happy as long as she is :)
NJ Legion Iced Tea - A Day To Remember
Game of Thrones
Most people think I'm stuck up and don't like talking :)
kotaro oshio
so are you :') <3
-.- your coffee making skills are 0 / 100000000
Watching clannad :(
I'm not sorry!
I want to talk to someone >.<
I wish people wouldn't say these things anonymously :c
Awh thanks!!! Message me I want friends :c
I love you!
Atm it'll have to be, she will be loved - maroon 5
It's not something you can use money to buy, although having money to buy things can lead to love. Love is something that is found and earnt not bought.
Lexi cUzs she's a cunny funt :')
7 - Alysha, 9 - names??, 10 - Georgie, 11 - jack Hobson, 12 - patty
I only know of jada and camryn :)
Uhm idk many give me names :)
Awh ^^ inbox me :)
Awh thankyou :*
we never did?
cause i need a dollar, a dollar is all i need.
I ain't bothered
Foo fighters, All time low, acdc, guns n roses, bring me the horizon, the killers, panic at the disco, fall out boy, linkin park, rage against the machine :)
Chicken is good yes :')
Most ppl lyk fish n chips lel
Pop punk - me pat Ethan and a vocalist lol
Idk depends on the genre :)
Ethan, Pat, Kaitlin :)