Connor lever
What happens when we die?
We die:(
Who cares what they all say u and Jamison kiss whenever u want to Maddyprespakis
Thank you maddy
Why didnt u kiss her?
OMFG piss off mate stop saying **** like "did you kiss her?" It's really pissing me off
Did u kiss Jamison today lol
No:( who is this?!?
Ok then
Its some1 in ur class
Would u kiss her
Yeah, but tell me who it is.
Are u going to kiss jamieson
I don't know. And who are you?
Saw u hug jam after school awwwwwwwh
oi I dont say 1d are gay danamae1
Aren't gay!
do an impression of jam haha danamae1
Oh my god! My brothers so annyoning
damn how did know it was me
Cause I'm not stupid
do an impression of me lol danamae1
Dana shut up your gay ;) jamieesonm
Haha thanks jam
ur girl friend it a hottie
Thanks sana
one direction are babes
Dana is stupid
harry styles is my future husband
Shut up Dana
connor + jam = #jannor
Thanks dana
best feature about jamieson
Her face
my marshmallow catopolt was better then yours! danamae1
No it wasnt
seen as though im one of jamiesons best friends I can confirm that jam has not cheated on any of her past boyfriends, so to who ever said that she has, stop making up rumors that arnt true! danamae1
Thankyou Dana tiana kabana likes big banana
What the ****! Who ever said that I cheated on all of my boyfriends, go **** yourself! jamieesonm
True piss off and leave her alone!
Have ya kissed her
Can you leave me alone!
Jamison cheated on all of her boy friends and you guys haven't seen eachother put of school so why are you dating?
How bout you go and Ming your own buisness and get out of my life and jamiesons life. Thank and goodbye
Why do you hate Ella
It's a joke.
Top 2 Bestfriends that r girls?
Dana and Jamieson
2nd best?
Ëłłã but I hate her
Best lookin yr 7 girl at KSC
Why no comment
Well first of all she slapped my girlfriend. And then she thinks my brother is hot. And who ever this is mind your own business
Honest thoughts on Brittany wilson
No comment.…..
Top 10 best year 7 girls
Jamieson, Dana, Ella, Darcy, Lily, Laura, Shae lee D, Shantelle, Mao, Shae lee M.
Top 10 girls year 7
What do you mean
She's never has her first kiss and I think she wants u to be her first 1
Ok then
Kiss Jamison Connor come on when u hug her just kiss her on lips
Ok I will hopefully
Connor I never hated you, don't listen to them & guys stop saying he laughed because he didn't! jamieesonm
I know, and thank upu
You want to take a photo together why so you proove your relAshonship to Instagram. .
No why would I don that it is cause I Love her
You didn't even help jam...
………cause I didn't know wat happened then Darcy told her that I laughed and I didn't then I thought she hated me
Your girl friend deserved it
Puss off mate u have no life so why don't u got back to ur hobbit hole and piss of
Honest thoughts on me :) x jamieesonm
You are the best girl in year seven you are my world I love you to the moon and back. You ur beautiful caring nice. Hopefully we can take a photo tomorrow
It's kinda funny
No it's not! Biatch
Guys it's not funny that she got slapped
Thanks! Anon ✌️
Your girlfriend got slapped 2day hahahahhahahahaha
It's not funny you know. How would u liked it If u got slapped
Why don't u no if Jamison or Ella is a better friend? Jamison's your gf mate
Yeah well me and Ella are really good friends and me and jam have gone out for like 3 months
Who's a better friend jam or Ella
I actually don't know?
No offense but your girlfriend is ugly!!
Stuff you. You probaly don't even have a girlfriend/boyfriend so why don't u man up and say it to me face to face. Oh wait ur to *****
What do you consider to the most valuable thing you own?
My girlfriend.
Um who Ever is writing that **** that I cheated, you actually don't know the full story so in the nicest way possible .. **** off! jamieesonm
Why did u tell me to fuk off m8
I was telling you she cheats a lot just so you know ! Watch out
Hahaha I don't really care i know she wouldn't do that to me.
Thoughts on Jamison
Good old chap I fricken love her to the moon and back she means a lot to me I only met her this year but she's a babe and I never want to let her go xx❤️
Jamison cheated on twin with James dyer
Did she I didn't know that. Why did u tell me that anon?
Thoughts on darcy allen
She is nice and annoying ;) haha nah she is a good lad
Best 3 girls and boys from every class
(Girls). My class-Dana Mao Laura. Miss Pearce class-Jamieson shae lee Brandon colverd. Miss Watsons jones class ella lily Darcy. (Boys). My class BJ MJ Tyler. Miss Pearce class ELI Myles Boyer miss Watson jones. Ethan, perry aaron
You don't REALY know jam do you you've talked what? Two times?
No I talk to her everyday at school so piss off
it wasn't me who called you "vin con" HAHAHA jamieesonm
Haha I know
Was that Jamieson who called you 'vin Con'? Haha ellafleming
I don't know
But go for Ella if you want to
I don't want to
You should do what we talked about , you know just dump her if that's what you want. Don't answer the next question or she will see
I do not understand. and who is this? Kik me (connorlever)
I love you vin con
I know who this is…… ✌️
Why is Ella in your profile picture not Jam? She's your girlfriend and you told me you don't even like Ella
We just friends jeez calm down and I would never say that I don't like Ella cause we are good friends
Jamison obviously doesn't like you and Ella heheh
Connor, only a 8 for personality! Friendship over man! ellafleming
Nah I'm sorry I don't know wat personality is.
U an Ella wouldent make a good couple
Cool I don't really care! And leave me alone
Rate jamieson out of 10 in looks & personality (:
10 and 10
You and ELLA would be Qt
Thanks but I'm taken
Rate Ella Fleming out of 10 in looks and personality?
8 and 8
A Movie that made you cry?
Marley and me
I don't care I'm still in to u! Why are you taking by jamieson
Cause I love jamieson
Who u taken by????????? :(
I'm into u
Thanks. But I'm taken
Does jam have swag ;)
Yes ✌️
Who's you're favourite year 8?
It better be me ;) ✌ allira.d
Toby ;) and ur the girl one
How much stuff have you done with a girl kiss ? Hookup?
Kissed a girl
Karlie I don't really know u that well but u seem pretty nice and I think u are Asian -.-
How far have you gone with a girl
Who is your favourite year 7 girl from k sec and you're not aloud to say jam?
Ella or dana
Top 5 year 8 girls&boys from ksc
Girls allira and that's I reallly know boys Toby, mark, cooper m, smalesy and michael
Ur girlfriend is uglie
Ur face is ugly
Thought on Loraine Rao
I don't know her…
U like Jamieson I see. Since when
Ages ago why??
Talk dirty to me
Maybe ;) hahaha
Fav song
Talk to dirty to me!!! Jason derulo
U can count on me like 123
Easy as abc
Why weren't you aloud to baram? Because you were naughty? ellafleming
No I didn't want to go
Hi guess who I is 👀👃👅
Best friend dats a girl from KSC
Dana or Ella or Jam I don't know
Who ur best friend from GISSY but a girl
Maddy prespakis