When lightning strikes the ocean why don't all the fish die?
Because they are strong like angus
Angus died of a seizure after he fell of the bench and got ground shock :(
Awww shi* i didnt no about this :(
remember that time ?
We had se*? Yip i do
In the song Yankee Doodle, is he calling the horse or the feather "macaroni"?
put them in order. xbox, angus, megan
Angus xbox megan
I'm on the mish to find that thing about cruz..(;
hahahah , he probaly has.. thats yuck.
h/o of jaimee
she seems preety cool , don't really know her that well.
Do you even lift?
yes all day er day
What do you have more of ; boots or swagg?
how much do you love megan?
Can I rustle your jimmies?
Oi, did you hear? Angus died, and his boots fell off.
Yeah yesturday :(
You have a mas*ive nose
f*** up big nose
who needs xbox when you have swagg?
who needs oxygen when you have swag??
they took our job
how long can you go without xbox before eating your own face and shi*ting yourself.
2 days tops
Why do you have to 'put your two cents in'... but it's only a 'penny for your thoughts'? Where's that extra penny going to?
just a figure of speach
How important does a person have to be before they are considered as*as*inated instead of just murdered?
shiiiiit i dont know son
Do you think that fish get thirsty?
hmm thats a hard one , na dont think so
this may be take a while to think about...who do you love more.xbox,or Megan?
Megans box?
why are you so perfect?
just am
Ugly why do you straighten your hair
Because its my hair and i can do what i want with it?
Do you love megan
yes very much so
why so gay and ugly
Baby i was born this way
Have you and megan have se*..
yes all day err day
im going to cook angus on my bbq
im going to run over angus
im going to run over you
never call a girl ugly even if you're joking !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! got it m8?
So uhh.... i love you more <3 xox
remember that time you gave me a rim job.
mm no i don't believe i do..
ILL WRECK THAT LITTLE Bit** sammiedunne
he will smash you
virgo? ahhaa wtf is that?
f*** up big titty
i did it for the lulz
i did it for the lulz
i did it for the lulz
why are you so ugly and shi* at gaming?
Mate ill wreck you 1 v 1 me.
i lift . do you even ?
na m8