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780 Replies

Did you know that youre perfection on legs x <3


Cooourts replied 3975 days ago

i was just going threw the hate that you have been getting! and it's so rude and un-called for! i don't get why people do this to you. or why they do this to anyone! bullying on anon well in any form is not called for! don't listen to them!! x

Oath, it's sad and pathetic! Message me on Facebook :) thanks ya wee beauty xx

Cooourts replied 3975 days ago

why did you punch amy just woundering i still dont understand why you did ? and did you have a reason to touch her /:

Message me on Facebook not appropriate on here aye !

Cooourts replied 3975 days ago

Why don't you delete your qoohme? And don't keep posting it on fb, by doing that your getting more attention from the haters.

I stopped posting it when it started also my parents want me to keep it to take it to the police!

Cooourts replied 3975 days ago

your not fat or a ****! your no where near it your soo pretty and skinny anyone would love to be you! i would. your photos on fb are so pretty and so are you ! dont listen to them! stay strong beautiful<3 x

Aw whose this please message me on Facebook xo

Cooourts replied 3975 days ago

If you're getting so much hate and awful stuff written to you on here why not delete your qoohme?

Because my mum want to go to the police to track this ****.

Cooourts replied 3975 days ago

Don't listen to people, i get called fat all the ****ing time and i know how you feel your beautiful and your such a lovely girl!

Thanks they just gone too far bringing my mum into it x

Cooourts replied 3975 days ago

If you don't like what people are posting, stop making status for people to qooh you easyy

I haven't done on since it started, I'm making a point, it's rank people saying your mum is fat she has put up with it her hole life as I said people know ya name but not there story message me I u have a problem

Cooourts replied 3975 days ago

You're not fat at all hahaha you have ankles and wrists and your stomach is flat, you're mint


Cooourts replied 3975 days ago

Smoking photos are trashy as ****... even worse reputation now you ****.

Lucky that you don't have to live my life aye :)

Cooourts replied 3975 days ago

Your vigina smells!! Ew!!

An you know do ya :)

Cooourts replied 3975 days ago

It brings tears to my eyes when I read this stuff on here ! Yuck

Put up with it for a few days now aye !

Cooourts replied 3975 days ago

Your still a s l u t..

Please I would love to hear how I am a **** !

Cooourts replied 3975 days ago

Your so fat!!

It's not my fault /:

Cooourts replied 3975 days ago

Your photos on Facebook are all so pretty I wish I looked like you <3

This is so sweet <3

Cooourts replied 3975 days ago