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Am alive and well ..and so are my loved ones
A lie
Law of attraction ,no ????
I can't say there is anything that outweighs the next ,so my answer could never be just one thing ...
I think about my future more than anyone or thing ..
Staying in school ?I don't know ..never to try fit in ?
It just seemed like something to do
The good times I share with my loved ones .,?Not being corny but that's the truth ..if not for that I would rather be dead ?
Yes.,it's been that way for a very long time ?
Nokia 110i
Yes I do .,
washing my sneakers and shopping for clothes ,i just believe no one can get these two right for me
am not sure i have one but the closest friend i have is stubborn and wants to put across this am my own man personality ....such a fvckboy lol