Courtney Langlands
Who the best root you have ever had?
My fish
Is that your natural hair colour?
5 years going, still have a thing for you
Who are you?
Brook favaro is a **** who loves it in the A$$
Okay i guess you could say that ;)
But theres a couple others that top thw list.... hehe
Who's tryin to get with your boyfriend?
A super power you wished you had and why ?
To kill every fxuckwit that makes kass angry sad or scared ;)
Teah Clancy?
Dont know her.
He tells everyone use arnt together...
Nice to know
Weve only been "offical" since last week. But together? Na seeing each other or **** buddies is a better way of putting it ;)
But i know he hasnt been with anyone but me since November :)
Are you and haymish together? Cause I heard he likes someone else...
He likes alot of people, but yes were together
Love that chic, do anything for her.
If you were sitting on a bus next to a stranger and they lifted there leg and farted directly at you and just stared at you with a straight face would you get up and move or just sit there waiting for another one this is from Nathan not anonymous
And I'd move whilst abusing them :)
Who do you miss right now?
I miss the old me! The one who never cared what people think and now I'm stuck in this mind where anything anyone says stays in my mind and it repeats itself I hate this me
Been skiing lately? ;)
You can't go skiing in summer there's no snow? :/
I heard you did a poo and didn't wipe your b*m. Gross.
Yeah probably I have a very bad memory!!
I herd you like it in the stink more then the pink
Yeah for sure!!
Would you have *ex with any of the following people:
Nath dal
Will perry
Darcy Martin
Nick lebish
Nah probably not, wills the good one though he smokes abit of gear ;)
how much wood could a wood chuck, if a wood could chuck wood?
Who's someone you wanna have *ex with but can't
Nathan smith
Why don't you just come over tonight and **** me ;)
Message me
I'd give anything to bang you!! So hot.
Game on!
Come see me at ness's party I'm bringing my beanbag!
Why don't you root jocks?
Depends on which jocks were talking about ;)
So are we rooting or am I raping.
We're raping ;)
Your the *exiest babe ever and I want to scissor you ;) hehe xx
Who are you
Do you have a boyfriend ??
Nah mate
Love you to the moon and back! Xx
Tell me who you are
Do you like Brodie Brain or is he a ****? Why do the deb with him?
Cos hes like my best friend, I love him to death
U did babe
Take anon off so I know who you are and see if I remember
Who have u rooted?
No im a saint!!!
But u were a good f**k u moan a far bit next time not as much yeah
Yeah righttt...
Wanna do the ndeb wit me next year
Depending on who it is
I will later but ur a sick f**k
Really? Obviously you dont have a sense of humor
Why do u want me to inbox u
So I can remember who you are
I came over ur house remember u were shy as to do it but u end up changing ur mind
Inbox me haha
You are gorgeous and have a great smile hehe I have some funny **** to tell you !
Btw is it true that Tyren stuck it in ya b*m
Nah that's a one way street ;)
All those time I came around to your place I just wanted to stick it in you
Which house?
Yeah again last time u lived moan so loud
Wtf? I dont recall it
I wanna finger bash u again
I heard you gave Tyrone STD's
Nah his girlf just gave it to him not me.
Ur my best hook up
Who are you?
Never met u never want to
Loves it.
Is it true you have chlamydia
Naaah mate.
Wrong person
I've always wanted you ;)
Inbox me I wanna know who you are
Why are you a cow
I am who I am dont like it, then find someone who cares.
Facebook or Twitter ? Give a reason for your answer
He'll no love !!
But I'm a loverly guy best deb partner out !
Beautiful girl!
Ange? Hehe txt me
Nah ;)
You know you want to
Do you love your deb partner ?
Or never want to see him again ? :)
I dont love him. And yea I want to see him so the wanker can learn how to dance
What's your type of guy?
Honestly I dont even know