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To be honest, my family...
Yes I am.
I love her loads!!! Xx
Honestly i have no idea what id do.
We were never together.
Of course I do, everyday.
Not particularly.
Why is it any of your business? :')
Learn how to spell the get back to me.
Brandon Cameron ♥♥
Thats why me and Brandon are just seeing each other at the moment. Honestly id never want to hurt Brandon and he understands what went on with me and Jai. so until ive lost all if not most of my feelings for jai, Brandon and I are just happy where we are.
I dated Jai for 10 months you cany expect me not to flirt with him. Its just something that me and Jai do. Our friendship is based on flirting. But we are only friends.
Punch cu.nts in the face.
Cameron meaning Brandon? Because if so i obviously want Brandon. Jai and I have agreed we are still best friends and we still care about each other so much but im happy with what Brandon and I have going on. He treats me like a princess.
Love you long time. You're my bestfriend and I can tell you everything. We are going to be cute as in out matching maccas uniforms ;)
He makes me so Happy. Honestly I cant believe how lucky I am to have him. He has made me forget about all the that has happened recently. I cant get over how amazing he is. Ive havent been this happy in so long. He treats me like a princess. Awh hes a cutie. But **** at xbox.
Fkn fggt. Lol jks. One of mee best mates. Love ya xx
We have had our differences in the past but im glad we sorted everything out! Shes such a gorgeous girl! Xx
Love that ***** so fkn much. Shes always there for me. Shes like another sister.!
The fact that I have the best guy.
Im glad we have sorted every thing out. You're an alright chick. x
Its not impossible because im half a virgin. God Karen you're so stupid
I love my life. Why would I kill myself? :')
You're so stupid.
**** to you too annon. :')
Im half a virgin :')
Uhm that would have to be the only guy im seeing? Which is Brandon Cameron. :)
I am actually feeling great! :)
Thats awesome.
Because you're a fkn f*****.
Ill think about it.
There's not much to tell. We are just close. :) x
You are my favouritest asian ever! You're so gorgeous and you always know how to cheer me up! I love you! ♥♥
No matter what jai and I will always be close. We don't have a thing. I answered that question when we were talking about getting back together. Now we most likely aren't but I still love the kid to bits and he will always be my bestfriend.
Probably not. Well atleased at this stage.
Anytime I can.
Im always going to be close with Anthony because I have known him my whole life and he is like my brother. Amber on the other hand is like one of my bestfriends. Yes we have drifted a bit but I still love her!
Honestly we are both just friends at the moment and are both deciding what we want. I know he still loves me just as much as I love him but things are just a bit complicated at the moment.
Trust me I already am. Im over being lied to. I loom like a ****ing idiot.
Im so excited! Xoxo
Thank you beautiful! ♥♥
Well thats up to him. He clearly isn't sticking to the agreement we had so this just lets me know I can move on with my life now.
Not really. :')
Definitely!! Hurry up and move! Xx
On ya.
Good on him.
Omg. I miss you so much like I cant even explain! Xx
We have our reasons that are between me and jai but its only going to be like this for a short period of time until everything is over and done with.
No. But we are still talking. Nothing has changed just the fact that its not an offical relationship.
Love you so much! Your such a gorgeous girl! Xx
Um oh I dated some guy called Matt but I dont remember his last name.. :')
Um I remember Luke and I think thats all :')
Umm wot? :')
Jai, Jasmine, Georgia, Lisa & Emma. Cant choose just one but mainly these ppl. :*
I believe it can buy happiness but not love.
4. Me, myself, I & Jai. :*
Melton goss shh. You aren't suppose to tell people about our *ex life. ;)
My english teacher. :')
Only if im sitting on Jais lap. :')
I have to many!
Such a nice boy. Haven't spoken to you in ages! :)
She blocked me on Facebook. Lol.
Obviously. I dont care gow old she is. I will jump on her head.
The ability to kill everyone I hate and get away with it.
Im comfortable around my boyfriend.
Faith how about you shut your mouth. When Jai and I broke up Mel invited me to stay there when ever I wanted to. Maybe you should go doe because no one would miss you. How fu.cking dare you say that to me. I will stomp on your head you stupid *****.
Me and Jai barely have *ex anymore. Hes still sticking around isn't he? You're a dumb f.uck.
It actually isn't that disgusting. Lol. Showering with my boyfriend wouldn't make me a **** either. Dumb f.uck. :')
Yeah occasionally. :)
IM hotter than a hot dog. ;)
Squeeze me? Courtney Rangas are the best ones!
Because im a ranga. Who doesn't love ranges? ;)
Luv mii :*
This is actually getting pathetic. Im with Jai almost every day. And those days im not with him he is either at home or with Caleb. I know if Jai even touched another girl Caleb would pull him up. Unlike most relationships I actually trust Jai. He may have a bad reputation or whatever but I know that is one thing jai would never do to me. If he wanted to get with other girls he obviously would has respect and ****ing break up with me. But he hasn't so shut your ****ing mouth. Stop with this whole ****ing thing. It is actually doing my head in. Next person who tries to get between me and Jai I will smash your head into a ****ing brick wall. Not a threat but a ****ing promise. I am so over people trying to get me to break up with him when it clearly isn't going to ****ing happen. Take it off anonymous I dare you to. Because as soon as I know who you are I will not hesitate to put you into a coma. I am actually so ****ing pissed off at every c.unt now. Your nothing but a low life piece of ****.
Oh my god! I miss you so ****ing much it is unbelievable. We have to catch up soon!! Xx
No he's not. He wouldn't because it would impact the relationship he has with his family and I know he loves me. You're all a bunch of **** wits trying to get between us.
Sleeping & eating.
Jai Cobby ♥
Of course i love Jai. More than anything in the world. We have out diferences at times but that kid means everything to me.
She cant have Jai because I do. This little "crush" she has is starting to get annoying. She obsesses to much.
Ooooo snap. :')
Hahahaha Faith stop please. Your causing more **** for yourself :')
Hahahahaha if she keeps going it will be soon. I will Hun! Thank you x
How about you shut your mouth. Ty xoxoxo
She thinks her age is an excuse. Hahahahah I don't care how old she is. I'll treat her how I treat everyone else who disrespects me and my mates.
Ugh she pisses me off so much.
My boyfriend. For always being there for me!
Jais actually gay. But ty jizzy xo
Hahahahaha. Do it and ill cut your eye balls out of your sockets and make you eat them.
oh my god! miss the kid like crazy. Used to be my bestfriend in primary school. Need to catch up soon!!