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ask anything :D i answer everything (: be creative! :D ..

334 Replies

so wie maak kak vandag? :D

Nobody today -.-

CrAxTrIm replied 4103 days ago

One spesial girl :D

Haha heyyy that's mean :|

CrAxTrIm replied 4103 days ago

I don't understand what I do to make you ignore me or delete me all the time but we should really talk about me :)

Yeahhh ... Because if I'm constantly ignoring && deleting you that's totally my way of telling you that I wanna talk about you ? :| what drugs you on ?

CrAxTrIm replied 4103 days ago

Why didn't you do the KEP show

I was meant to, my entries didn't go through though :(

CrAxTrIm replied 4113 days ago

I love yu babe ! ;)

Who's this ? :)

CrAxTrIm replied 4113 days ago

Hope uu haven't 4goten me Gay Muffin :P Coz if uu have I'll kick ur as* :D

I'll never forget uu fluffy :D buuuuut, even if I did, there's no chance uu could kick my as* ;) x

CrAxTrIm replied 4113 days ago

Yu don't like cris ! Yu like me rember last week ;) *good tym

Go s*ck a Dic*.

CrAxTrIm replied 4113 days ago

Cris told me that yu have a loose Pu**y is that true *

Uhm, its chris ** get the spelling right before uu put words in his mouth :) && go buy yourself a blow up doll because your obviously bored with your life -.- thaanksss :D x

CrAxTrIm replied 4113 days ago

I just thought :| that I would say :| that you need a new microwave :| it took way to long to warm my food up :|

Orrr uu need new food that warms up faster ;)

CrAxTrIm replied 4113 days ago

I love your mares marking on her face , its so unique and pretty

Thanks uu, I think it looks sort of like a heart :P x

CrAxTrIm replied 4117 days ago

Is it true yu and cris had se* ? :) ;)

Chris && I are in a relationship && what we do doesn't concern anonymous websites :P

CrAxTrIm replied 4118 days ago

what is your biggest regret?

Lying to people .... Pushing people away ....

CrAxTrIm replied 4118 days ago

I haven't known you for long but you already a huge part of my life! Please don't go anywhere I'll miss you more than I would miss the sun if I was ever stuck in a dark gave for the rest of my life! Wish one day I could give you everything!

Haha thanks buddy :D I'll try stick around :P who is this ? :P x

CrAxTrIm replied 4118 days ago

I love justin bieber , don't you , he is just so amazeballs !!!!

Yeah he's hot :/

CrAxTrIm replied 4118 days ago

Yeah you're such an amazing friend b-) helping me with my browband because kayleigh & I screwed it up =D x_x ;;) & then walking my course :D love yoou lots :D oh & when am I gonna see your pretty face again? :O mmkay bye :D ♡

Hahaha yeah that was entertaining :| but I'm always here to help out my friends :D love uu toOo :D ♥ we'll make plans soon soon kayy :D stay beautiful ♡ x

CrAxTrIm replied 4118 days ago