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Honestly? Can be the biggest douche out there. So infuriating to talk to when he's got his mind set on something or when you disagree with him, and he always seems to try to act better than he is. In saying all that though, he can be a pretty good person to talk to, always there for you even if you are in the middle of a disagreement, and he's going to go so far in life. Proud of him.
I legit googled this and all it came up with was minecraft references..
Ew. Eurgh. Nope. No. Uh uh. One of the most gorgeous people I have ever, and probably will ever, meet! Always there for me and we can go yonks without talking and when we catch up it's like no time has passed at all! I'll always love this girl. xx
Biggest mistake? Hmm. That's a tough one. I firmly believe that every choice you make turns you into the person you are today. Perhaps my biggest mistake that I can honestly say I would never like to do again is eat so much junk food I throw up. Hah. Anything more personal than that and it really shapes you as a person, so I would never take it back or ask for a do-over.
I definitely should be! Studying is so boring though :(