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Ask me ****

425 Replies

hey, are you single?

No one loves me

Creeveyxo replied 3553 days ago

Your as* is ****ing amazing I just want it suffocating me all day;) xx


Creeveyxo replied 3553 days ago

People abusing you, telling you to kill yourself, are F U C K I N G s***

Sadly I'm use to it ha

Creeveyxo replied 3556 days ago

your so beautiful :) Benham449

Aw thanks xx

Creeveyxo replied 3556 days ago

Thoughts make it long xxx Briannaleeee

Okay Brianna Were do I even start with you Your my Bestfriend you always will be till the day I'm 6 ft under the ground You mean the world to me You have helped me though everything For **** sakes you saved my life if it wasn't for you that night is be dead Your the most beautifulest girl in the world Your smile is perfect Your body is perfect Your eyes are perfect You are just the discripson off perfect I love you so much

Creeveyxo replied 3556 days ago 1

Your beautiful

Thanks xx

Creeveyxo replied 3556 days ago

Why are you so attractive. Also you never reply to me.

Aw who is this and I'll reply

Creeveyxo replied 3556 days ago

Thoughts frog xo xanderpollock1998

Your beautiful frog I miss you

Creeveyxo replied 3556 days ago

Thoughts :) lhiam.delahunty

Your a nice kid awesome to chill with and adorable

Creeveyxo replied 3556 days ago 1

You're so gorgeous and you have amazing taste in music!

Aw thank you

Creeveyxo replied 3747 days ago

apparently you wanna hit her


Creeveyxo replied 3910 days ago

whats your problem with meg briscoe? do you hate her?


Creeveyxo replied 3910 days ago

Kys please

Kiss ya self

Creeveyxo replied 3910 days ago

I **** your boyfriend on the weekends


Creeveyxo replied 3910 days ago

you do cut. you filthy *****. you would be doing jamie a favor if you just ****ed off and left him alone.


Creeveyxo replied 3910 days ago