Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
Lying and fakeness!
In front of friends yes!
Yes black babies!!
Stretchy limbs so I could stretch to my gf so invan give her cuddles whenever!
Being there and giving to people I think!
Matika! Most amzimg girl ever she is so lovable!!
You are truly the sweetest! Make me feel amazimg so thankyou! xx <3
Sarah is and today we still are 15 years of friendship and sarah is like a sister to me! Love her so much, wouldn't know what id do without her!
Ehh good for you. You can have him!
No its just the people around me who are! X
I dont know abot me but she does very much and is pretty amazing :) thankyou
Tbn I'd never leave anyone to run of with a celeb! Im with the person because I love them not to be a jerk and run away, who caresif they are rich.
Why do you say that??
Kitten or meth!
I wonder who this is?? X aha very much like it too!! X yes it is!
I know taking it slow and at our pace!
No where not.
Im sure you are and you wont be trust mei'm not like that!
Well talk to me and say such things, I wont bite... much ;)
Why does it matter to you?
Girl I like!!
Yes I have!
lies and gross hygiene
is it really to bad for me that i don't know who you are?? aha if you where important to me you, you would be in my life! obviously i don't know you so your not important! :)
oh really well thankyou!
whoever you are you clearly have issues, have no idea what you are on about?? but ok if thats what you think i dont give a ****!
what? and yes i do believe in second chances
why doesn't what matter??
i'm glad you did too!! x
yes but that dont matter anymore!
yes those apples be cuter dam it!
we are just friends if that's what he wants to be, no we are not. so go ahead :D
mmm talk to me, i would very much like to know people better :) specially who think i'm cute, so thankyou! but yes you should talk to me!
thanks those Zippers be falling!! ;D
told who about?? it may be more than one person it may not be i never said who and its is. cant help ya unless i know more.
what if its both ;)
well they into same kinda scene i'm into, like things i like, the person are very nice and genorous, so kind hearted.
why does it have to be a yes or no? maybe i don't know the answer yet.
it may be guy and it may not be a guy. black hair maybe.
you can try and guess :)
i might be, very muchly, i don't know who you are but i'm sure if you talk to me i'll be more then nice to you and understanding :D
mmm well no but thanks :D your sweet.
well aren't you very modest :D that's very nice to be told thanks :D know how to make a gal blush much!!
well that's your choice shame but, who ever it is im sorry if i've hurt you or anything but i'm a very lovely person to talk to so i'm only an inbox away if you wanted to talk :D
loving one thing completely is really hard and difficult question to answer but if i quickly chose something it would be my kittys and my bestfriend :) always there for me!
it was wet lol
really someone likes me wow!! :D aha it's a shame i don't know who this is, you seem very nice :D thankyou
what kind of question is that? idk you cant pick who you love, love finds you. weather it is a woman or a man.
my favourite piece of clothing would have to be my aqua Bring Me The Horizon shirt i have :D
My source happiness is from my friends, lover and music.
thankyou never been called "exy" before ;D
i'm alreday taken sorry!
why does it matter?
a really great guy.
i like my boyfriend.