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Chick do u kno me? If u did ud kno that i dont giv a fuk bou pipos thoughts abou me..Tisha is not 2 blame 4 anythin,shes my girlfriend, so obviously 2 me shes da best and i cant choose a girl who cant say dis my face or a girl who threatens tha girl i love
Well lets see,shes beautiful,i love her,shes funny,she makes me happy,great girlfriend and to top it al off shes drop dead flatterd but unless u can do al this and more then weve got nutin 2 talk about..TISHA <3
I dont kno mwe..i think im stil a virgin.. ;)
Because u obviously scream funny or laugh lik a fool...and dats a funny thing to see
Hahahahaha wil c wil c
Damn their 2 many...
Sory ur singo...i love my girl..she's number 1
My girlfriend
I am human