what do people call you?
Weeeell some people call me a space cowboy...
Thoughts on prom
Don't you mean pRAM
Game of thrones vs Vikings ?
Smartphone that is on your wishlist?
any phone
What is your weakness?
Any sharp metal (possibly projectile) objects
How long would you like to live for?
I'll be happy if I live another 5 seconds.... WHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He's the guy dating your girlfriend
Ex bub. And i don't know him.
Thoughts on Carmen?
I don't know who that is.
What turns you off in a girl/guy ?
When they aren't straight up with you.
If you could delete one thing from this earth what could it be?
The earth
Who would you take a bullet for?
Sorry dude im allergic to bullets. I could die.
Most food you've ever seen someone eat at one sitting?
Does myself count?? Cause.... Thats alot of food.
I thought qooh.me was for insecure teenage girls?
YOU DON'T KNOW MY STORY !!!!:p lol jk ily babe
You know what i mean. Your last girl friend the **** Caylie.
1st Caylie was not my last. 2nd, am I supposed to care about that? 3rd, seeing as i cant see your probably immature word that you used to address her, im going to say you call her "the Caylie". She is not a thing, she is a person.
So your x got a new bf.
Myyyyy Xmen ??
Your next smartphone?
my next one? I don't even have one.
Who do you think is dying next on Game of thrones?
I don't watch game of thrones but im going to say whoever the biggest ***hole is in the series will die last.
Morrigan or Barbra?
well you see, Morrigan makes amazing food however, Barbra is actually knows how to make friends. decisions, decisions...
wrong, somebody threw a fridge at her
cool story bra
Who would you take a bullet for?
dude. Bullets are my only weakness...
Why did Sally fall off the swing?
she had no arms
Curt McNeil K's broads on the reg
If a man with no arms has a gun is he armed?
t'was never something more truly more spoken.
Fav third trumpet??
idk I'd its a bit of a JUGGLE.
Q: How do you stop a lawyer from drowning?
A: Shoot him before he hits the water.
I like your thinking sir
stop walking into bars
so i mean, that brooke chick huh. what do you think of her?
yah shes pretty swaggy
How much is enough money for you?
infinite money
wanna buy me dons?
only if you buy me some
do you care what people think about you?
well people know nothing about me so no, I couldn't care less
whats so depressing?
im outta tacos
I'm very dirty. Will you wash me? ;)
yo dat Caylie Butcher is a real B-I-T-C-H am I right??
I don't know what your talking about.
Who is your crush? Dont be shy
Crushes are for people in kindergarten.
Thoughts on Caylie Butcher??
I haven't talked to her in a long time sooo I can't say anything as of late. But when I did know her she was a great person to be around. (was also really cute when she was angry)
Something you will never be good at?
Musical theory
1 million dollars falls into your hands, what do you do?
spend on swag
A song they should play at your funeral?
Funeral??? ***** PLEAASE!!
Who's a nice girl at school?
most of them are sooo...
A song that you've over played?
viva la vida. yet its still awesome
Swaggady swag swag swag Colleen!
u r 2 cute 4 me
This is kinda cute but also kinda sad:(:( lol
so if i ask you questions, youll ask me some too?
Yah whats you name again? Anon ? Yah ok sure...
hey hey hey hey so about that brooke girl...? whats your opinion on the matter?
Swag swag swag swag she's pretty swag.
tacos right
hey so so so so that one person, eh? what of her? she cool riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight?
Yah she pretty swag
If you could ask your future self one question what would it be?
you still like tacos riight
When you help someone, do you ever think, “What’s in it for me?”
yes how many grams
One thing you want to say to someone right now, but can't or aren't brave enough to?
do you like tacos???
What would you do this year If you had no fear ?
same thing i do every year
Prettiest girls at Central?
The ones that are the nicest
What have you learned today?
If George Bush had **** Cheney's first name, his name would be **** Bush and i'll tell you...
What do you think people think of you?
why don't you admit which girl you like?
define "like"? definition number 1: wouldn't cut off her head and use it as a paper weight. or 2: someone who will help me cut off that girls head. :)
A lie you told today?
I lied about telling that one lie that i lied to Mr.Booker when he was like "Curtis how much do you lie?" which i lied in saying i hate pie.(lie ception)
Who's the girl you like?
BATGIRL!! Wheww i said it
so which girl do you like??? specific grade?
Grade rainboow:0
Two Things that you would like to improve about yourself?
I would improve every thing
soooo.......how are you >.>
Im JUST DANDY!!! You? :):):):):)
who do u like?
Well i like my dog...
knock knock
Who the ****s there?
Comtech group?
Is amazing and im James Cameron
Do you think you'll go to hell?
Or somewhere in between
Who knows you better than your parents?
The brightest star burns fastest.
Cute threat Lynn
No ... I mean like ... Alone...
Ouch! Is it that bad?? Ooo tsk tsk... Lets talk on fb
You seem so strange.
Yes i am thank you
Do you like anyone right now?
Who are you thinking about as you answer this?
Whoever the **** asked me such a stupid as* question.
Are dogs your only friends?
NO!!! Cats are too
Favourite person right now?
Like right now this very second? My doogie
Dude gotta say you killed that race today(it almost killed you) your awesome and i hope you get better soon
Hey thanks guy! Really appreciate it! Lets just say i won't be walking for a while
Coolest person you know??
Well it probably not my viola partner, danny walls
You, my good sir, are very attractive.
Why thank you good sir /ma'am! If i may say the same to yee
Why can't turtles fly?
Because turtles can glide
Do you like cheese?
Love that scuzzy cream cheese
The first thing you think of after you wake up ?
****ING BAND!!!
Hey there :)
Hey guy/girl!
Coolest person in strings??
defiantly not Danny Walls ... duster
First date dinner: Italian oooor Mexican?
Best friends ?
Screwball and wise (wise: maybe we shouldn't tell people we're insane...
Screwball: what but insane people get free FOOD!!!!)
Dude lets go river jumping!!!
I mean't date ...
Oo the stuffed little pony in my brothers old locker(we're going steady) ;)
I still love you
Cute anonymous but just a tiny bit creepy
Facebook or Twitter ? Give a reason for your answer
No tweets for dis guy
ever had any alcohol?
Pfft dude im like 16 of course I've had
LOTS of booze.
What if rocks are soft and they just tense up when you touch them ??
Most embarrassing moment?
every moment
You believing in god doesn't necessarily mean Christianity right?
ah...yah screwed up. no I still dont believe.
How's your summer? Do y
Pretty good
do you believe in god and why or why not
No, Christianity is a very twisted religion in my eyes. Now Unitology , theres a good religion!
Name a movie that made you or nearly made you to cry?
Any disney movie.....
is that the name of a planet near Uranus
Would you slap a parent for $30 Million ?
Daaam me have se* with you for long time! Lets talk!!