who do you like/love:P?
Do you smaak me?
Dafuq are you?
Cool bro, your moms gay(Y) shut the f*** up
How do u knw Haroun Booley
He live opposite
How was your day ? G*n*er?
Goooooood man yoooou?
Who r u dating
No one whyy?
Do you believe in GOD and JESUS?
How was your day? :D ,
Just kidding I don't give a F*ck:)
Uhhmmm why don't you visit me? :/,
Uhmm, wait there's more....
Uhm noo lol, not really :/
Just come , tell your mom and dad I say hi :)
I\'m miss walking to you:P.
Who are you dating. :)
Noo onne
Who's L'O'E? :/
Lisa over everything. Juust a friiend;)
Do you like Taryn Davids?
I doont knoow maaaan, good friiennd loovee being in her company and shi*
My sonnn :) who are you dating ?
Noo onne moommmy:D:P
Do you still love amy
Doont as*k me that shi*, iwaant everyone to knoow thaat I\'m fee;):P
Who are you dating and why?
A butterfly cause it flies;)