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Me.....I just feel like nobody wants me here
Hehe Ja*,,always!!!
Uhmmmm Awe???*
Uhmmmmmmm bye*......
No not really*
No not really*......
Heheh Awe*....
Well,I know more*!!
Hehehehe awww thnx*,,wii is j*??
Michelle,,No wait Dante,,or maybe Caoilin......I don't know
Don't know and don't care*
I'm sooooo glad for u?????????........Turtles are weird*...!!,,I Like Turtles
Hehehe,,nee net n vinnige soen gegee*....!!??
Heheh,,ag chat manet met my ou en n klmp andr mense*....nj???
#Swag Pineapple.....!!*
Hehehe LOL*!!!,,j wens....XD
Hehehehe Awww DnQii*,,Dante,,j ook*!!....
Uhm*,,chat manet met n klomp mense hehe nj???*......
Well let's just say*,,I'm really Random......
Well*,,j is nogals cute??*
Hehehe ja my dagii ws nogls bje Lekkr* DnQii.......en wii is j*???
Hehehe thnx*,,hoop jy't ook ene gehd*!!!
Hehehe,,ja*....weird neh
Well,,there's not really any boring people in my Life*......and I don't hate on others!?....
Evil dead
Totally Awesome!!!*........
Hehehe,,ag net n sekre persoon*........
Heheheehe Aii*..........
Hehe LoL,,uhm ek huw nii vn hulle nii....ons is manet goeie pelle ds al*?!
Hehe uhm n sekre iemnd*......
Hehe not much*,,LoL•