why are you a sloppy ploppy
what hahahahahahahhaa
DKELI replied
4037 days ago
im gonna f*** your sister, and no i didnt forget to click anon. Jaspurr
hahahahahaha. I know it would be you even if you didn't ;)
how? hey yo.
DKELI replied
4438 days ago
5 favourite girls you've ever got with?
five favorite girls I've gotten with? hahahaha. I don't have favorites. the good ones know who they are though.
DKELI replied
4440 days ago
you the man bro wonderwall was amazing! listen to this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7h0UTya1PdA
cheers sam! this is one good jam!
DKELI replied
4452 days ago
f***... well cya in qtown xoxoxo >bring the ruffies babe
hahaha got ya ;) I'll try, love you se*c xo
DKELI replied
4455 days ago
Friday night's alright for fighti-se*PISTOLS.
not super into the se* pistols bro.
DKELI replied
4455 days ago
no, i am in queens town, i may be the killer. i can imagine that you will have the exact same face in your dp as to when you wake up on the beach with no memory and a very very loose as*
jimmy you know it'll be you that wakes up then xo
DKELI replied
4455 days ago
take mee for starbucks !!
ah sure! I will maybe when I'm back in Nelson. Pm me? :)
DKELI replied
4455 days ago
are you aware that you will be given ruffies and butt f***ed all night in queenstown then chucked in the lake?
someone jealous? where are you going? maitai? ;) claaaaas*s aren't ya.
DKELI replied
4455 days ago
laughed a lot looking at this page
because of Jasper and Ruairi making all the eli sister jokes? ;)
DKELI replied
4455 days ago
did you enjoy being with Jess Smith?
I don't even really remember, back then I did I guess, but compared to the things I have got to experience with a certain someone it's nothing at all :) less than nothing. I don't mean this in a mean way though!
love them.
DKELI replied
4498 days ago
Yo? ;D
DKELI replied
4498 days ago
look in my bag
look it's some swag
get the swag
put it in a bag
f*** you should get signed to a label bro.
DKELI replied
4498 days ago
How good are you at banjo on a scale of 1 to incest-necropheliac-hillbilly?
hahahahaha pure gold! honestly I don't think I could rate myself, not that great.
How much swag is in your bag?
can your bag by me some swag?
DKELI replied
4498 days ago
can i put an octopus in pias Pu**y and give her an***? Yum and maybe get a miniature di*do and stick it down james's urethra. Then to top it off ill shi* down bu's ears until he cant hear pia and james moaning combined
This is just... I don;t know, made me laugh. Pia almost saw this hahahaha.
DKELI replied
4498 days ago
If you had one day to live and could only spend it with one person who would it be? xoxo gossip cat
I really wouldn't spend it with just one person. It'd be everyone that I'm close too! but if i really had to narrow it down it'd be my cat Bu. ;)
DKELI replied
4500 days ago
I really value my friendship with with you. You rock!
Is this my tag buddy? You too! :D
DKELI replied
4500 days ago
Gossip cat isn't even a guy. Reowl. xoxo gossip cat
oh shi* Adele! in that case I'm not coming around! I thought it was Sam!
DKELI replied
4501 days ago
What are your thoughts on gossip cat? xoxo gossip cat
great guy, should definitely drop off my phone, I'm coming around now btw to get iiit/ xoxox
DKELI replied
4501 days ago
How long did it take to teach yourself how to play the banjo? xoxo gossip cat
not very long, a few days to a few weeks? depending on how to define 'teach'.I picked it up pretty fast since I already play the guitar. I had a book that taught me a few chords ect. and I learnt a couple things by ear. I really want to get a tutor though. I want to start learning some Great Lake Swimmers and Mumford and Sons. The banjo is a wonderful instrument! but I still haven't necessarily learnt how to play it. that will take many, many years, maybe my whole life.
I loved the wallet story!
hahahahaha, please anon, TELL ME.
DKELI replied
4501 days ago
see you in queenstown ;)
who is this! looking forward to it! :-)
DKELI replied
4501 days ago
I would love to Bukake your mum and sister and cat - i love cats
DKELI replied
4502 days ago
5 best friends?
I would just do about anything to stick up for my mates at anytime really.
DKELI replied
4502 days ago
By observation: you're an annoying, smug f*****.
hahahahahaha, how the f*** would you get that observation? Come and get to know me dude! :) have you even met me before?
DKELI replied
4502 days ago
Is 'Ultimate' a magic?, a way of life?, the sport of gods?, or all of the above?
All of the above. It's like a religion that isn't pushy, doesn't use propaganda, gives you a choice and you can do whatever the hell you want.
please explain how answering silly questions is fun for you
sometimes they're just a good laugh. but shi* questions like your one here is just boooorring.
DKELI replied
4502 days ago
How many dogs in the nz ultimate team?
the nz ultimate girls were lovely people you horrible person.
DKELI replied
4502 days ago
Is it true that xbox is better than playstation and uncharted s*cks!?
hahahahahahahaha. this is so weird, who is this? and fuuuck no.
DKELI replied
4502 days ago
it's not me.
okay okay suuuure. xxxxxxx
DKELI replied
4502 days ago
can't wait for your sis to s*ck my ballz while i f*** your brother and fist your kitty. mmmmmmm saturday nights.
Nick I am 100% sure this is you ;)
James turns me on, keen for a some ae me him and bu all in one se*y sandwich. His as* going to look like horse meet when im done. Pias pretty fit as well. And samiras keen for the D boss might give her one behind the sleep out. boom every one in one hit!
1v1 me in uncharted I will headshot the f*** outta you! ;)
DKELI replied
4503 days ago
wots up wif ya sista im confused....?
hahahahaha, it's just a joke my friends have. all friendly banter.
DKELI replied
4504 days ago
yoooou gotcha.
DKELI replied
4504 days ago
I saw James on the town last night.
oh please no, not James now.
Boo doesn't have ears cause when i f*** him i bite really hard and one time he told me to go harder and they came off and then i came ;)
what the f***. stop abusing my cat! its Bu as well'
not me! i dont need to be anonymous about how much i love slamming pias box. Jaspurr
hahaha true that! ;)
f*** you it's not me
hahahaha sorry!
DKELI replied
4504 days ago
Once im finished with pias Pu**y it going to look like she gave birth to a horse
this is Nick, Connor or Jasper. ;) too soon.
Do you see yourself being with Samira for another year?
Already answered this yo
DKELI replied
4504 days ago
use 3 words to describe your girl
I don't think I could describe her even in a thousand words. Sorry anon :-)
DKELI replied
4504 days ago
What do u think abt me. it's Rach
I think you're nice and a really generous person! It's positive and great to see!
DKELI replied
4504 days ago
Do you see yourself being with Samira for another year?
definitely :) I can't see myself not being with her. but if shi* happens it happens, it's life. we're both young. For now I love her to pieces and nothing I can see could change that.
what do u think about me ?
what's your name and I'll answer for you? hows that? ;)
DKELI replied
4504 days ago
Can me you and sam have a some, this is nick...
hahahahaha, I'll see what she's doing around 4 today? meet me in my sleepout. It's not gay if its a threeway right?
do you think about frisbee while doing the misses!!!
sometimes we use one.
Nigga you gay.
don't call me gay nigga
DKELI replied
4505 days ago
The beach was warm fresh on a winter summer
and cold was I as I took myself to the waters. The seas smile was deceitful as I submerged my body. Colder still, I swam on.
DKELI replied
4505 days ago
I want smack bu against the wall and eat his Dic* whilst im f***ing samira
hahahahaha you sick thing.
DKELI replied
4505 days ago
You're the man at frisbee and there's nothing wrong about being proud of your pas*ions. f*** that hater. xoxo gossip badger
hahahaha, nah I wasn't phased at all. Thanks gossip badger xoxox
DKELI replied
4505 days ago
oh my god you are so arrogant about frisbee i cant beleive you said it was more of a sport than volleyball finn delaney worked f***ign hard to get to where he is
Hahahaha I meant it in not a very serious way. Why did you bring Finn into this? He did work f***ing hard to get where he is. A lot harder than you've probably ever worked dude. You're obviously an arrogant person if you're gonna talk down about things people love doing. Want to come out of anon or are you to much of a Pu**y? (;
Frisbee is a game you play with your dog, not a "sport"
you've obviously never played it then ;) come back to me once you've represented your country at least.
Do you have any fave people from waicol?
Fran would have to be one of my favourites. Good times making 'Kaiori's sister jokes' back at swimming.
DKELI replied
4506 days ago
Gossip cat is adele xoxo gossip fly
right! :D now can we stop abusing my cat? good questions now? ;)
DKELI replied
4506 days ago
Gossip cat is Sam xoxo gossip fish
Gossip Cat is not Sam, I know who you are gossip cat!
DKELI replied
4506 days ago
I am willing to donate my ears to Bu. Just so the little mongrel can here me when I rip out his throat.
I will find you and I will kill you.
DKELI replied
4506 days ago
I know who Gossib Cat is. xoxoxo Gossip Badger
who are you gossip badger xoxoxo? ;)
DKELI replied
4506 days ago
I know who gossip cat is. Xoxox gossip goat
I know too ;)
DKELI replied
4506 days ago
Bu is my son, I held him up myself in front of the whole animal tribe on Pride Rock yelling Simba. I also used him as a pocket Pu**y. Get it, pocket Pu**y ;))))
hahahahahaha you sick f***.
DKELI replied
4506 days ago
How long do you mas******* in the shower before you get caught?
times vary. I'm unlucky.
DKELI replied
4506 days ago
Who chopped of Buu's Ears?
it's Bu, no Bu. and he was born like that. ;)
DKELI replied
4506 days ago
Haha your cat has negative ears
he's a scottish fold, he's meant to have negative ears!
DKELI replied
4506 days ago
Can your cat lift?
Unfortunately due to arthritis he had to quit the lifting game before his career really peaked.
DKELI replied
4506 days ago
5 favourite year 13 girls
Gotta say all the girls who I play touch with, Adele, Alex, much more, all of the year thirteen girls I know personally are great people! Will miss you guys next year.
DKELI replied
4506 days ago
BUU IS THE BEST CAT EVER xoxo gossip cat
hey Sam, gotcha now.
DKELI replied
4506 days ago
is a cat.
DKELI replied
4507 days ago
Eli, this is Buu here. I just wanted to let you know that im not a real cat, im an alien. the most obvious reason for this is becasue i have no ears. p.s i shat on your bed. sowi ^.^
f*** you! He's a CAT.
Wrong. You could at least name a cat after me xoxo gossip cat
Adele...? ;)
DKELI replied
4507 days ago
You know who this is..cat boy. Bet you're with one right now, instead of me :( xoxo gossip cat
I for real don't! Roxy? sorry gossip cat!
DKELI replied
4507 days ago
Eli you are so slu*ty. You always ditch me to hang out with cats. A new one EVERY TIME. It's getting old. Cat boy. xoxo
Who is this!? I'M SO SORRY.
DKELI replied
4508 days ago
How long is it?
ten thousand centimetres. come on, this is not good banter.
DKELI replied
4508 days ago
How do you get erect?
hahaha, every one of these questions gives me a good laugh! Find what your into bro. some like guys, some like girls. Frisbees if you're me. nah, I'm just f***ing with you.
DKELI replied
4508 days ago
that could be anyone whos destroyed pias box, pretty much the whole of hampden st school plus me connor and finn (; Jaspurr
hahahahahaha. good banter.
i destroyyyyed pia
Jasper or Connor, I will find you, and I will kill you.
DKELI replied
4508 days ago
Your mum is a milk.
f*** you Connor! ;)
DKELI replied
4508 days ago
Do you lift ****?
fuk yea.
DKELI replied
4508 days ago
Last night was great Eli. Did my **** taste great?
hahahahahahaha JACOB?
DKELI replied
4508 days ago
Eli come on, I didn't need to know all that detail thanks!
I was joking! sorry! I still have the cat book you gave me!
DKELI replied
4508 days ago
What a fantastic person you are.
thanks! :-) you too!
DKELI replied
4508 days ago
I read cat books so I know how to handle the pussaaay.
shi*, sorry, that was too far.
you should be a zoo keeper cause you looked after that baby bird so good the other night ;)
hahahahaha. thanks. It's probably definitely not dead....
DKELI replied
4508 days ago
Samiras too good for you
she's an amazing girl but I don't think anyone is too good for anyone. :-) care to come out of anon? betcha wont ;)
DKELI replied
4508 days ago
Do you read cat books?
DKELI replied
4508 days ago
Bu has no ears.
f*** YOU
DKELI replied
4508 days ago
what up mitchybabyxo
DKELI replied
4508 days ago
have you and samira had se*
whats se*?
DKELI replied
4508 days ago
stop posting shi* on fb or i will hunt you down and get toby to ghost rape you....****
come on Furkan fight me. ;)
f*** me
if you're my giiiiirl.
DKELI replied
4508 days ago
5 favorite year 12s at NCG?
What are girls?
DKELI replied
4509 days ago
Nigga do you lift.
Yea nigga. Not as much as I should though. Any tips?
DKELI replied
4509 days ago
Do you lift?
not really.
DKELI replied
4510 days ago
if there are infinite possible universes then why isn't there a universe(or infinite universes) that has a purpose to destroy our universe's existence.
here's a mindf*** for you. They say when you die your brain has seven minutes of activity left. What if in that seven minutes of time you dream, and because time is stretched, what if you're dreaming about your whole life?
So the question is, are you dreaming and you're dead or are you alive?
love it.
hey Connor ;)
DKELI replied
4510 days ago
what study are you procrastinating from?
Geography and English at the moment.
DKELI replied
4510 days ago
Daniel San?
bro you need to watch the old karate kid movies.
DKELI replied
4510 days ago
Are you proud of where I have got in taekwondo? <3
Yeah I am. Still a long road to go though to enlightenment daniel-san.
DKELI replied
4510 days ago
so eli, whats it like to hold the title of #1 Frisbee player in the school?
No too bad. Hope to grab it next year. You guys all have your gyming, rugby, football, duck head ripping legacies to leave the school with. I have frisbee and I my scrapping back in yr 10.
DKELI replied
4510 days ago