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Daniel Wilcox


Just ask meh.

155 Replies

What would you suggest everyone try ?

Coffee with 5 sugars and a little bit of honey

DaNiELWiLcOx replied 3541 days ago

Thanks man DaNiELWiLcOx

Its all good :)

DaNiELWiLcOx replied 3544 days ago

How good was my story... DaNiELWiLcOx

It was pretty mad bro, i'd give you a 10/10.

DaNiELWiLcOx replied 3544 days ago

Craziest thing you ever did for money ?

This chinese guy right, he took legit 20 goes to park his car in one spot so i went up to him (after asking dad if i could) i asked this guy, "hey mate you seem to be having trouble, tell ya what i'll park ya car for $10" so i did and got paid $10 to this day i still believe thats the best 10 bucks hes ever spent. THE END

DaNiELWiLcOx replied 3544 days ago

What is your ringtone?

An ERB episode

DaNiELWiLcOx replied 3546 days ago

The most unreliable person you know ?


DaNiELWiLcOx replied 3547 days ago

Who do you love more, mum or dad ?

Well im not a daddy's little girl so

DaNiELWiLcOx replied 3550 days ago

The most expensive item you own?

I own barely anything

DaNiELWiLcOx replied 3559 days ago

Have you ever gone to school without taking a bath?

3/5 of the days per week...

DaNiELWiLcOx replied 3561 days ago

What do you like about the person you dating?

Everything... Who the **** am i dating

DaNiELWiLcOx replied 3564 days ago

Cheers bbi joellygiraffe1


DaNiELWiLcOx replied 3567 days ago

Primary School crush?

Year 1: this chick called sam. Year 3: shakirah 5: i forget 8: Joel <3

DaNiELWiLcOx replied 3568 days ago

So you would watch someone die just because they were homeless? They more than likely can't afford it! Jee your nice. EllaFayxo

Hey! Hygine can kill to :(

DaNiELWiLcOx replied 3568 days ago

What do you think about the most?


DaNiELWiLcOx replied 3572 days ago


Seriously wtf is "Booga" don't you mean buggar

DaNiELWiLcOx replied 3573 days ago