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Channell Da Rosa


Ask me anything..

20 Replies

You are so beautiful.

Thank you.

DaRosaC replied 2172 days ago

your so daMN GORGEOUS ! your perfect inside and outside ! minion.....

Thank you ?

DaRosaC replied 2845 days ago

You're so stunning x

Awhhh thank you! Please message or DM me! X

DaRosaC replied 2874 days ago

You so beautiful xx?

I'm really not ? But thank you so much!? Message me ?

DaRosaC replied 2955 days ago

What's up with you and lynt?

Lynt and I are just friends ?

DaRosaC replied 2979 days ago

So beautiful xx ??

Awwhh thank you xx message me or dm me!?

DaRosaC replied 3042 days ago

What was your first kiss like?

Sorry.. I don't kiss and tell.

DaRosaC replied 3053 days ago

What are you obsessed with right now?

Oreo's and Coffee??

DaRosaC replied 3070 days ago 2 1

So like I last saw you over a year ago nd we had a fight nd haven't chatted in a while nd i just want to know that you are all okay nd still alive

Message me X I'm still alive and I'm okay. But I would like to know who this is!!

DaRosaC replied 3092 days ago

Why you looking hot at Brandon's party? ?

You make my laugh. Dm me X

DaRosaC replied 3097 days ago

Why don't you follow people even if you know them.

If you have a problem stop hiding behind your phone and dm me!

DaRosaC replied 3097 days ago

Do u know Candice Swart? Aphyy

Candace!! Yes I do!!

DaRosaC replied 3117 days ago 2

What causes you to stay up late?

The people I love ❤️

DaRosaC replied 3133 days ago 2

Gorgeous! Which school do u go to? Aphyy

You are so stunning.. It's not fair!!! Grace College

DaRosaC replied 3134 days ago 1

Your beautiful

Thanks xx but you probably gorgeous!!

DaRosaC replied 3153 days ago 3