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Waking up at 6am s*cks?
Screaming won't solve your problems, you nerd.
The Rock
Need a break? Have a KitKat.
A+ grammar, though the content is in poor taste. Overall, C-. Needs improvement, sort of like your attitude.
Luna, Fred, Draco, Sirius, and Remus
Music, the happiness of other people, lots of things.
I feel as though I can comfortably say yes to this.
Who are YOU dating?
American Sniper was quite **** innit
I don't remember my dreams, usually.
Either nail biting or ruining my sleeping patterns
That I made someone's life better. Or that things are easier with me around.
Get ready for school? I don't know. Probably the same thing I usually do.
Either the UK or Australia.
Why're you sorry?
You're cuter
How very Soviet.
Daniel Radcliffe, but don't tell him about it.
Buy a house, put $100000 in a separate savings account, apply to university and pay for my entire education in advance, get an entirely new wardrobe, buy my entire to-read list on Goodreads, get some tattoos, and then donate $1000 each to every charity I can think of. ****. There's probably more.
A pilot. Or a boat maker.
My brain.
To be completely honest and completely myself also to watch more foreign films and read more.
Probably the entirety of Taylor Swift's new album, if I'm being honest.
Pretty much anyone, actually.
I guess that isn't up to me. I love every part of myself, but I don't know what would be considered attractive. That trait would vary if you asked other people.
What an emotionally powerful ballad embodying the perils of mortality and the struggles of the human race. It's so evocative, I can't even comprehend how one can handle such heavy and iconic lyrics. Bravo. This is truly art at its finest.
My Meemo bear
Nothing. They're my friends because I wouldn't want them to change.
Drunk off my as*.
t h u n d e r s t o r m s
Jackets. Jean, leather, flannel, patterned, bomber... I'm obsessed.
Desperation, jealousy and a bad attitude.
Love this song.
I don't really have a preference mainly because I don't have a choice in the matter anyway.
I don't know what I've done for you, but I assure you that you don't need to feel obligated to feel a certain way about me for it. I do the things I do because they're what should be done, or in some instances because I want to do them. If you would like to express gratitude, then just say thank you. You don't need to feel romantically inclined. Regardless, this kind of conversation is best had in private. Perhaps try messaging me on Facebook or, better yet, approaching me in person next time.
Most websites are. Plus, I don't think there is a single person out there who wouldn't like to know what people really thought of them. Anonymity helps make honesty easier.
Because it kills time, which I have quite a bit of.
Asking if they've "caught" me then comparing me to a shiny rock makes me feel like an object, whether they meant it that way or not. Regardless, I prefer compliments being given directly and not anonymously over a trashy website.
I don't know who you are. And don't call me a jewel, I'm not a shiny object.
Shakespeare, nice.
hek yee bruh
My family and friends.
Somewhere that makes me happy, I guess.
As I still lack a cell phone, probably message.
I miss you and I hope you get better soon my dear lame smelly friend
I've been lovely, and you? And I know. :c
Hello my dear friend. <3
That's cool, I guess.
Peel off cu***ber face mask.
Got kicked in the face.
It's rude to talk about people behind their backs,
Don't have one.
That's ridiculous, I'm not answering this.
Famous, fictional, gay, dead, or all of the above.
June, I think. Close to that.
hey you're cuter bye
So many choices
Probably my Winston Churchill's The Second World War series original print.
Yes, because I shower.
Yes, because they need it. That's a stupid question.
Bred is luv bred is life
Dem mets be cray.
Nah. Find someone else to indulge your weird fetish.
God bless gossip bread.
My soul?
Why not use secondary research instead of harassing underaged girls?
Why exactly do you need this information?
These aren't even questions.
Either hedgehogs, owls or sloths. Also cats and dogs.
Does coffee count
Beautiful Darkness.
Uh uh uh Tangled, Frozen, The Little Mermaid, Maleficent, and Sleeping Beauty. (????? Rude question)
Everywhere. But, first, I think I would like to meet Da Vinci.
Probably some sort of bird.
Those who don't like to read just haven't found the right book.