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**** off
from who
Yes aha
i miss not seeing her everyday? but we're together so it doesnt matter?
yo nigga, your information is irrelevant and incorrect :)
temeka doesn't tell people things and she especially wouldn't tell someone that. so we both just laugh pathetic things and pathetic people lke you off.
so get f***ed, find something else to do with your life and moveeee on :)
love from me and her xx
1. learn to spell. it's I see*
2. none of your business
3. she is allowed to have friends you know?
Not much actually anon, yourself?
Dumb as.
Id love ya to lick me face, homo.
Lick me out
Said no one ever..
I love you too
Maybe because im f***ing sad, and maybe I have multiple things going on in life at the moment that all fall onto my shoulders as well as trying to deal with a break up, and no one bothers to f***ing ask about it or talk to me about things, so if you want to f***ing help out and stop the statuses then maybe you should it me up with an inbox and help me with some things, or you can shut the f*** up ****.
rnBy the way, its write, not right.
shi* happened. And I honestly dont f***ing care anymore. People dont deserve kindness or care if they are going to treat everyone like shi* all the time? And who says im not that person still? Maybe people just havent bothered to allow that side of me show?
I wish I did :(
Im forgotten by everyone else, why not you too?
You will. Eventually. Everyone gets forgotten.
It will matter Temeka. Ill be gone, and you will eventually forget about me all together.
And I love you too Temeka, but we wont. You\'ll slip away, and ill be in the army.
Temeka, im in love with you, and I miss you like crazy. I miss you more and more every single day. It doesnt get easier for me. Its getting harder.
I love you too
Yes, out of all my siblings I probably will be the first, because I like to have love relationships that mean something, otherwise why bother having one at all?
I would takd her back of course. Im not ready to just give up on her. And I know ill always be there for her, I would never walk away from her unless I really have to.
To die in a painless way.
Yes, everyday. But she just doesnt feel the same and I cant help that I guess.
Because you are probably some big hair fat f*** who has a rape dungeon in your basement?
Mm, not really no?
Would you like to help me out to be happy then?
Yes I do. And hopefully to the person I love the most. But she doesnt want me right now..
I love the colour blue.
No, im down, and very depressed. I just want Temeka back.
No, I did. But I think I just lost her :(
Yes I do. Im in love with Temeka Harris.
I love you too. And thank you x
Alright dude. Sure will :)
Yeah I know I am. But you could have at least had the balls to tell me who you are?
No you dont.
I don\'t know? Why are you?
Temeka Harris, because I love her?