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Damon Rossilva


raise your hand and I'll answer you one by one

20 Replies

damon damon damon :| admit it !!!! You know you want to !!! Just let it out bro...let. It outtttttttttttttttah.........

No, I like kEeping spongebob inside:(

Damon_Rossilva replied 4099 days ago

So are u black or Italian ;) (friend)


Damon_Rossilva replied 4099 days ago

Damon! The Gaurdian of the Talking watermelon... *_*

Yes my master, Dr. Phil pas*ed the honour down to me:D

Damon_Rossilva replied 4099 days ago

Ow Fabregas! ;) Your boi Pirlo here =D Dude its a shame can't play for the club in winter =( We would TEAR shi* UP in the midfield! =D ;) Hahaha! Stay cool bro! (Y) *fist pound*

Hehe Grazi Pirlo!:D...ciao fratello!:p

Damon_Rossilva replied 4099 days ago

We talk on bbm n stuff n we're quite close but I still feel like I'm just a stranger, you don't really notice me, I'm just one of those silly little girls that has a crush on you....

I\'m trying to watch days of our lives:/

Damon_Rossilva replied 4112 days ago

You still have no idea who I am do you?

Eddy Murphy?!:D

Damon_Rossilva replied 4112 days ago

I miss you...


Damon_Rossilva replied 4112 days ago

I'm the queen ;) I'm sure you can figure out the rest ..

If you can get cable tv for free then you the Queen of the world;):D

Damon_Rossilva replied 4113 days ago

Knit? I did read that correctly right? Omg you must be mad! But that's why I love you! (as a mate)

Did I say knit?... I meant , you make me food while I watch Oprah:D

Damon_Rossilva replied 4113 days ago

You've been a bit off with me lately, is our friendship fading? xxx

I\'m sure its not...first tell me who you are:p

Damon_Rossilva replied 4113 days ago

I'd rather not... Our relationship won't be the same..

We can knit together:D

Damon_Rossilva replied 4113 days ago

Why are u shwinging??!

I don\'t shkan you?:L

Damon_Rossilva replied 4118 days ago

Do u lyk kayla barker?!!!!!!cause da ingredients are der

Is this the cheese cake factory people?:/

Damon_Rossilva replied 4118 days ago

Amigo or foe ?.... Not imraan "/

Amigo :D...Imraan:/

Damon_Rossilva replied 4118 days ago

So I take it our relationship isn't so great...?

No man I\'m sure it is...just tell me who you are:)

Damon_Rossilva replied 4118 days ago