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Dani S


ask me stuff!! :D

77 Replies

Babe! You are the love you sweetie pie.

Awww too sweet xxx

Dani_Sloths replied 3858 days ago

thoughts gal pal rhgerovnjnerogivb genpowell

im going to bend your thumb back and make it look like a bloody accident! ;)

Dani_Sloths replied 3939 days ago 1

Thoughts on zac dohnt?

don't really know him that well haha should probs have a chat sometime :)

Dani_Sloths replied 3967 days ago

Stop being so perfect! It makes the rest of us look bad!! ;)

aww no, i beg to differ nobody's perfect Hannah Montana taught us that

Dani_Sloths replied 3984 days ago

people you miss

EVERYBODY! im so lonely :(

Dani_Sloths replied 3984 days ago

What does a maths teacher do to their wife

Ha ha ha he he

Dani_Sloths replied 4003 days ago

Mello yello hello

Hey hey

Dani_Sloths replied 4003 days ago

chicken breasts


Dani_Sloths replied 4041 days ago 1


hey, hows it going :)

Dani_Sloths replied 4043 days ago

go with the speed of a thousand turtles emma.mcgregor

what does a maths teacher do to his wife?

Dani_Sloths replied 4043 days ago 1

If anyone hurts you ill go all bellarine on them!! ;) Kathy1999

ahahahahaha i love you kathy darling xxxxxxxxx

Dani_Sloths replied 4045 days ago 1

Wave to the next car if you can hear us *waves* that doesn't count that's just his teretts kicking in! :') gotta love Mark <3 erinosborn

HAHAHAHHAHA FUNNIEST BUS MOMENT EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! going to miss him :'(

Dani_Sloths replied 4045 days ago

Your hot, beautiful, smart, *exy , pretty

You pick one but I think your all of the above

oh thank you so much but i dont know hahaha but thanks your a nice person xxxxx

Dani_Sloths replied 4046 days ago

What have you learned today?

that i dont know anything about humanities

Dani_Sloths replied 4046 days ago 1

What do you think people think of you?

im not sure why dont you ask them :)

Dani_Sloths replied 4046 days ago