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Daniel Buckley


Ask away

488 Replies

Whats the worst pain youve felt?

I mean, I've felt really bad pain when I had my ingrown toenail, that really hurt. Once I fell down a sand dune and tumbled like, 6 meters down it and got badly winded, that hurt.
But the worst pain I've gone through, is watching somebody you love dearly move further and further away from you, and watching them fall for somebody else, and that all you want to do is be in their lives to make them happy.

DanielBBQ replied 3005 days ago

What's pissing you off right now ?

I've got a bit of a headache and cramped neck from a bad sleep which is annoying me I guess. Also that I so desperately want to talk to people but they wont talk back. :|

DanielBBQ replied 3005 days ago

What are you good at ?

I'm really good at fcking my own life up while trying to fix others around me. Oh hey, don't forget to add that I'm really good at walking into shtty situations that ruin my life forever.

DanielBBQ replied 3011 days ago

whats ya status about?

I don't know why, but my life is like a big diving board. I get happy, and I feel like everything is great, but then I just get pushed off the top platform and fall face first into a pool with no water in it. I don't know why I keep building myself up with so much happiness when I know things are risky, I'm fully aware things will go down south fast, and again, like always, it happened. I'm just so sick and tired of chasing happiness in places I shouldn't be looking in :( I never learn my lesson.

DanielBBQ replied 3011 days ago

Did you say memes?

Memes? I like MEEEEEMES

DanielBBQ replied 3011 days ago

Did you say memes?

Memes? I like MEEEEEMES

DanielBBQ replied 3011 days ago

This chick can't be all good. What dont you like

How far away we live from each other is a bad thing. The worst thing is, I can't be there to make her happy, which is all I want to do. So I'm stuck here twiddling my thumbs until i can see her RARELY. But, when I do, it's magical. And really, I turn that weakness of distance into a strength. it means I don't get annoyed with seeing her so often and same goes the other way, because some days I just NEED to see her, because she is just so damn beautiful and amazing. But sadly, it isn't our time yet, so we have to live our lives as individuals, work our butts off, earn some money, and when the time is right, we shall be happy.
But to answer your question, about her actual personality. I wouldn't change a god damn thing, because she is just THAT damn good.

DanielBBQ replied 3012 days ago



DanielBBQ replied 3012 days ago



DanielBBQ replied 3012 days ago

What this about this is the chick that is the happy is good?

Why do I get the broken English trolls? I know i'm not getting Spanish people talking to me here.
She likes most things I like, she allows me to be myself and actually likes me like that, she is one of the sweetest people I've ever known, she is absolutely gorgeous, she has a great sense of humor (also likes memes), she has gone through similar things in life that I have too, which means we understand each other. A lot of things makes up for why I like her so much. She's a fantastic person. That's that.

DanielBBQ replied 3012 days ago

What is it about this chick haha

Words can't describe what it's about. We're deciding not to date right now for a few reasons, so in the mean time we're just working on earning money, enjoying life; those sorts of things. But to tell you the truth, she's absolutely amazing and I really like her. If I have a sht day, just 2 minutes on the phone to her and I feel like I had the best day ever. It's the little things she does, and for that, she's truly amazing.

DanielBBQ replied 3012 days ago

What's is about this chick man?

I'm not sure what the question is asking? :P

DanielBBQ replied 3012 days ago

can do u eat the crunch on spaghetti or no eat!

I don't know. Maybe you could run that by me one more time, with a little less stroke?

DanielBBQ replied 3013 days ago

Do you regret being in a relationship with a Quasimodo/Frog hybrid for 3 years? I would, kek.

ribbit. yis.

DanielBBQ replied 3013 days ago

if this chick is so good why don't you date her then

Sometimes you need to bide your time and see how things play out. As much as I would love to ask her out, things are tough right now, it's not the best time. There's a time in your life where you know you have to tough it out and endure the pain, because you know it's the right thing to do. So right now, I'm waiting for the right opportunity, and then I hopefully can be a big part of her life as a partner. That would be a really good day.

DanielBBQ replied 3014 days ago