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The thing that upsets me the most would have to be when people doubt themselves and think they are worthless but truly they ain't
Most of my friends are nice, i cant chose out of them i love them all
I dont get any girls :( but im only after 1 :P
How to ask someone something
Im looking forward to lifegroup, youth and netball
Happy by Pharrell
i would like to thank my bed for being there for me
Probably my best mate Adrain torre
The thing that pisses me off would have to be when people think they have done stuff but they havent!!
Watching the amazing spiderman 2! :'(
Umm Yes...
Yes, who whats to know?
Love ya too ;)
Of course...
Jesus is amazing, of course i do jozza haha
Umm a lot of people!
Okay fine, The person i talk to the most would have to be Jesus!!
Closet as in what way?
There is noway i can single out 3 guys and 3 girls! I Love Them ALL!!
Love ya too brother
Favourite Boy - Adrian Torre Favourite Girl - Sara Blake
OI, she is amazing!! Dont say that she isn't Great!!
Yeah, but you don't know how much i cure about her...
Thanks, i wouldn't be this bloke if it wasn't for you guys
I still love you but adrian is my best mate!
Thats very true,
Thanks, thats the power of summer holidays
You the man too who ever you are, love ya
My best mate is adrian, Soo nope!
I don't know, to be honest
Man do you really think im going to announce who i have a crush on...
A girl.. She's amazing, but shes not into me
Thanks sara ❤️❤️
Hmm if they weren't into you and you know that they were into someone else in would let them work it out.. Ps.... I know who you are...
Thanks :)