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like amazingness? yeah i know
That's great to hear! Everything's always on my mind...
Good, and yourself?
Sure why not? 3:)
Well lord of the rings is an amazing trio loft with more to come! Game of thrones, on the other hand hasn't finished it's main storyline. So I'm waiting for the end of the series so I can judge. Poppy this is an impossible question
Haha! Thanksss. natural ftw
I honestly, havent thought about it a lot.. but if i regret a mistake, i would never have learnt from it.. so im not sure if i truley regret it or not.. Sorry for the mixed answer, nothings ever.. black or white
i ate too much coco pops :'(
we are who we are :) .
LOL you have no idea ;)
I believe that you shouldnt have to make yourself look perfect for people.. if they love you, it should be for you, not for the quantity of your hair.. I tend to think that if i have nothing to hide, i have nothing to fear. so there is no need to be embaras*ed.
'wear it like armor, and it can never be used to hurt you'
Prettiest? You know as much as I do that there are many pretty year 11 girls.. And each have their Good, and bad
You probably would know more than me atm..
Yee that's true, I hate a lot of people due to that as well... Thaaannnnk youu :)
If you believe that, then you are too kindhearted
Hah!!! Aww. I wish, I bet you are though! :)
Because I have no friends 3:
Lol, I'd have to go with my bed.. ForeveraloneD;