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Never really had one, haha. Open minded ^.^
1) never because I'm a good employee 2) not sure, cleaning the toilets maybe? 3) nah 4) me, im 18. i do what i want. 5) i don't get embarrassed really lol. satisfied? :P
thats my style.....i like....i like a lot ;)
Mate.....MATE.... you're right.
YEA THATS RIGHT. Wait...wot... D:
you should go get a hair cut you sl ut. i would rather sh it in my hands and clap, than see you again. jokes <3
Can i download it?
How to life 101: Grab LoL - Put into recycle bin - delete recycle bin - turn off PC ( or laptop ) - throw PC ( Or laptop ) and throw in real recycle bin - burn recycle bin - pee on ashes of recycle bin - go play LoL on Mac.
Well, in order to max LP. One must master Teemo, once someone masters teem. Only and ONLY then, can they move past challenger into TheLeagueOfGems.
Bronze > Challenger. lel
Oh sheet. * Takes 7 steps back * Please bro. Ill give you my camel and turkey just don't swag me bro. (⊙.⊙(☉_☉)⊙.⊙)
woahhhh you really wanna go there mate?
I swagged so hard, i gave birth to tumblr.
yea, I'm a genius so i skipped a few years in school and now I'm in uni at the age of 15. ^.^
like ****ing Sick C*** / 10
A few people